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"Sat on the corner of the room everything's reminding me of you nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you're happier aren't you?"

"it's long over, seulgi quit it!"

seulgi told herself glancing at a mirror, she saw no figure, she was at her and irene's former apartment.

everything that reminded her of the girl whom she love was scattered around the place.

from the love letters to the promise ring that irene left on the night stand, seulgi's sadness were like a waterfall again.

she couldn't bare the fact that irene had forgotten her, she cried harder than the last time.

picture frames were displayed and some were even broken, but will never be as broken as seulgi right now.

who would've thought that even the dead has shitty feelings that they can't control.

"honey, i'll just get something."

seulgi glanced up upon hearing her beloved's voice, but her eyes show pain once she realized irene wasn't hers anymore.

irene entered the room where seulgi is currently sulking, yet she saw no sign of a pained girl crying "where is that?" she asked herself as her eyes wander off to somewhere.

seulgi wanted to hug irene but it was no use since irene wouldn't even feel her touch agaisn't her skin.

"there it is." she smiled after seeing the promise ring and wore it.

seulgi smiled sadly at her action, but couldn't help but feel more sad.

and before irene left the room completely, she took a glance at seulgi's direction- but did she even saw seulgi?

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