Chapter 2

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"How are you doing?" Linda asked as she shoved my carry-on in the compartments above. How am I doing? How am I doing?! I had a severe fear of heights and my only parent was dead!

"Fine," I lied; although I assumed she could see through my fake smile.

It had been a busy day and a half. After leaving the hospital and going to my house with Linda, I had been rushed to pack all of my important belongings. I had attempted to stuff the whole of my wardrobe into one suitcase without success, but after picking out a few things I didn't need, it was able to close. I didn't have anything else to bring apart from a framed picture of my mom and I when I was eight.

After putting away our bags in the compartments, Linda took her seat next to mine. "I guess I should tell you about myself. I'm still a bit of a stranger."

I nodded.

"Well, I'm Linda Miller. Mother to eight-" She was cut short as I choked on my own saliva.


She nodded and gently rubbed her baby bump. "Eight and counting."

I couldn't help but be impressed. How she managed to seem so calm and caring while she had eight children gained her all of my respect. I was surprised that she was so keen on accepting me into her home as well.

"I have eight children; all of them are boys." My eyes widened with surprise, but I let her continue. "Ronan is the oldest. He's eighteen. He's a major help around the house and he's always looking after his younger brothers. He has a girlfriend. She's great to, her name is Michelle."

"Next is William. He is seventeen. His personality is like his dad's. They both are stubborn as well as hot-headed. Will may not seem like he cares, but he does."

I nodded again to let her know that I was listening. Will sounded like someone I didn't want to get to know. I have had experience with I-don't-care-about-anything guys, and it was something I wanted to stay clear of.

"I like to think Jefrey is a lot like myself. " She went on. "Jef is sixteen and he is a gentleman. He's a lot like Ronan as well."

"Nate and Mason are alike. Nate is fifteen and Mason's thirteen. They may seem different, but they are both into one thing and one thing only. Nate loves the theatre and, although I don't approve of it sometimes, Mason is into video games."

I let out a small laugh. Those two sounded a lot like my friends in Alberta. Remembering them, I was a little surprised not to have noticed that the engine of the plane had roared to life. I would be leaving them and everything I knew.

Quickly, I buckled myself in. I absolutely hated flying. I hadn't even been outside of Canada due to my severe fear of heights.

"Are you okay, honey?" Linda asked with concern as she looked upon my pale face.

I nodded weakly. "Please, continue."

She smiled. "Okay. You'll have to watch out for Kristopher and the twins. Kristopher is ten. He loves to prank his older brothers, but I'll let him know you're off limits."

"Thanks," I said with a small smile.

"Colton and Jacob, the twins, are six. Although I don't find it hard at all to tell them apart, the boys seem to. I know, because they are my sons, but also because Jacob is quieter than Colton, however, don't be fooled, Allison. They are both equally troublemakers."

I let out an amused laugh as Linda told me about her family. They seemed interesting. I only hoped that I'd be accepted among the House of Boys. I stifled a sigh as Linda finished informing me. Now I had nothing to distract. It only got worse as the plane began to head on the run way. Soon I felt myself being tugged back as the plane lifted into the air. I dug my nails into the arm rests and closed my eyes; squeezing them shut tight.

"Why don't you try to go to sleep?" Linda whispered beside me.

I nodded; although I doubted I'd be able to relax enough to fall asleep.

I was wrong. As soon as the plane leveled in the air, my mind began drifting off. Imagining what it would be like living in the Miller House or what my new school would be like. It was the end of August and I was at least thankful for not having to start school in the middle of the year.

The plane hummed softly and I let my worries slip away as away as I fell into a deep, dreamless, sleep.


How's it going guys? I didn't mean to update so soon [and sorry it's a short one too], but I'm so excited to have finally started this story and I'm quite pleased at how everything is falling into place. I only hope I'll be able to finish it!

Fan, comment, vote, do whatever you please if you've enjoyed!

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