Chapter 4.5

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I hate doing wonky chapters like this, but this was a quick but important scene I needed to get in. It didn't fit into the flow of chapters four or five, so it's a quick standalone thing.

Raven's throat tightened as she tugged the backpack straps over her shoulders and looked toward the door. The sun hadn't yet risen, but she and Qrow were in for a long journey. They had to leave now if they wanted to make it before the snows got too heavy.

Dove walked into the den and pulled both of them into a hug. Raven felt tears sting at the edges of her eyes as she clung to her brother and mother for a moment. Dove stepped back with a smile and ruffled Qrow's hair. "Do wash your hair more often, dear."

"I will, I will." He chuckled at the light reminder and slipped out the door, leaving Raven to cling to her mother. She buried her face in her shoulders, fingers dragging through her hair as Dove hummed for a few moments.

"Everything will be fine, my baby bird. I promise." Raven just nodded, unable to find the words as tears wetted her mother's top. She didn't want to leave her embrace. The tribe was all that mattered to her. She already missed her mother and she hadn't even left yet. HOw as she supposed to survive an entire year...? Her body shook and Dove resumed humming for a few moments.

She released Raven after a moment and the teen shifted, drawing her sleeve across her cheeks. She blinked, though, when she saw her mother pull something out of her pocket: a small bit of white cloth wrapped around another bit. She took it with trembling hands, the tears once again falling as she saw the contents. A red cloth emblazoned with the tribe's symbol in black sat there, making her throat tighten.

"Mother... I..." She wasn't worthy of the high honor. It normally took at least twenty active season to be awarded the small headscarf. It marked only the most successful warriors as is wasn't uncommon to fall before thirty to Hunters or powerful Grimm. Red was to be worn by only the most senior warriors due to the sacred nature of blood. Black was reserved for the chief alone except in this one instance.

Dove simply placed a kiss on her head and smiled. "I spoke to the council and they agreed. Senior Warrior Elga said you performed flawlessly this active season. You know how rare that is." She hugged Raven who bowed her head. It had only been because of fear of repercussion from Fallon, but she wasn't about to argue with the council. Plus, her mother wasn't one to recommend this lightly. Even though she rarely left the village, she'd still received this honor herself which was nearly unheard of for those that didn't participate in the active season.

"Turn around." Raven returned the scarf to her mother who tied it in place. She blinked the tears back and Dove cupped her chin, raising her head. Her soft, warm smile greeted her as always.

"Hold your head high, my fledgling. Now go and fly." Dove gave a small push to Raven's back and she let out a breath. She had to go for the good of the tribe. She just had to remember that.

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