94. Yanny vs. Laurel

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Michael: Do you remember in the beginning that we are looking at the dress. White and gold or blue and black?

Zane: Oh, I remember now.

Cole: Yes, we have been decided before.

Kai: Tell me about it.

Jay: Right, we do have some kind of the visual thing. Now, we have to hear the audio.

Michael: That's right. You have to listen to this and we all shout what we hear.

Kai: OK, let's grab our headphones.

(Everyone put them on.)

Michael: OK, it's time to hear it in 3, 2, 1. Yanny or Laurel?

(After we hear it...)

Michael: Alright, take off our headphones. And shout what do we heard?




Michael, Kai, Cole, Zane: LAUREL!


Michael: OK, who said Laurel?

Kai: Yeah, if you said Laurel, I don't want to talk to you again.

Cole: (looking at Jay) Jay...

Jay: What?

Cole: I know what you're saying.

Jay: Wait, it's not what you think.

Cole: Liar!

Kai: First, you dated my sister and now you act like you're different person. How could you?!

Zane: Let's explain.

Michael: OK, first of all. The real answer is "Laurel". AsapSCIENCE will explain it.

Cole: Oh, it's all make sense.

Zane: Oh, sure.

Kai: Oh, I see.

Jay: OK. I'm the youngest of all. Gosh.

Michael: Pitch makes difference.

Cole: You hear one person but you can also hear another person.

Jay: It really confuses who am I hearing to.

Kai: Yeah! Go Team Laurel! Team Yanny Sucks!

Jay: NOOO! It's The Dress all over again but with sounds. I gotta to get out of here.


(Jay rushes to the basement.)

Jay: OK, thank goodness. I'll be safe here.

???: (breathing loudly)

Jay: W-W-What was that?

???: I'm back...

Jay: (muffled screaming)

(Jay has been caught by someone)

What happened next...?

See you next time. Thank you once again.

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