Last Part - Be My Life Partner

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Last part of this story and finally this story is coming to an end.
Thank you for supporting this story to this extent! All you know that I started this story with a little inspiration of the movie ‘Ghajini’
I tried to implement my imagination into writing and I hope I did fulfill your expectations.

Thank you for supporting this story to this extent! All you know that I started this story with a little inspiration of the movie ‘Ghajini’I tried to implement my imagination into writing and I hope I did fulfill your expectations

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Now let’s get into the story,

The day before the international Business Conference, Abhi and Pragya booked a room on the same hotel where Neil and Nikhil stayed. As per the plan, Firstly they are going to make Neil and Nikhil to assemble on the same place which is the roof top of the hotel, and gonna kill them which Pragya gonna do. But it is not that simple to make them come there. Abhi made sure he and Ronnie would tackle Vijay so that he wouldn’t be with Neil and Nikhil, because anyone’s doubt will spoil their entire plan.

Abhi and Pragya arranged the required things for their plan and got ready for bed, as it was long tired day. Abhi was silent all along and Pragya understood his silence. He fears for her and scared of what if Neil and Nikhil hurts her in this act. He can’t lose her.

“Pragz” Abhi called her sitting on the sofa, and Pragya turns to see him who was arranging the bed.

“Yes Abhi” she says and sits in the edge of bed

“Remember that you promised me that you would do anything in return as I helped you in this revenge?”

Pragya remembers about the promise, smiles and nods “I remember. But why are you reminding it now?”

He excitedly comes near her “You remember? Seriously you remember it?” and sits near her

“Haan Baba I remember why you are…” she stops realizing what he was trying to make her understand which happened few days before. She is remembering things which happened few days before, when she has a problem of forgetting things within 12 hours.

“Ohho! You're remembering things Pragz!” Abhi squealed holding her shoulder and shakes her with joy.

“Ok wait… *takes a relieving breath with sigh* I'm remembering things…. I'm getting normal then… Uff! That is really nice… Woah Abhi!” Pragya slowly rejoiced her health getting well.

“That’s really fantastic one Pragya” Abhi said and hugged her while she reciprocated the hug happily.

“That’s really fantastic one Pragya” Abhi said and hugged her while she reciprocated the hug happily

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