Let Your Heart Guide You

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“I like you"

“I-I like you...but as a friend”

“Oh, that's okay. Hope it doesn't get between us.”And just like that he was gone.


“She friendzone me, just like that. I was sure she felt the same.I am so stupid.”

“Hey, don't beat yourself up. I know Emmeline, and I know she likes you too.There has to be a reason why she hide her feelings”Charlie says.

“Why do you think that?”

“Emmeline had a bad relationship. My theory is that she's scared. Doesn't trust guys after what happened.”

“What happened?”

“Nobody knows what really happened. Rumors say he tried to force her into stuff she didn't wanted.”

“Gosh! I'm just gonna have to prove her that I am not like him.”


“You what!?”

“I said I didn't like him back.”

“Let me get this straight. You friendzone the guy you had have a crush for two months.”


“You stupid. Nicholas Jones was the perfect guy for you. He's sweet, thinks about others first, a gentleman, plays soccer and a bonus point: Super Hot”

“What if that is just a mask and he's just like Jacob??”

“Maybe. Maybe not. BUT at least give him a chance.Let your heart want what it wants.”


I look at my phone.New message.

Charlie: ASAP come alone.need help.At school.

“Maybe.Maybe not.Gotta think.Gotta go.”I hug Jossie before I left my house.

 “Charlie I'm here,what's wrong?Nobody answers.

Strange.I walk forward looking around the hallways until I noticed some roses and candles creating a path.I end up in the Library, to only see lantern lights hanging around shelves.

Creek.Someone is here.

“I actually thought you wouldn't come.” That is not Charlie's voice.The person comes out from whatever hiding place.


“In the flesh.”He moves closer.

“What are you doing here?Where is Charlie??

“He's okay, don't worry.Follow me"

“I'm sorry,but no. I didn't came here so I can have some surprise date.I thought Charlie was in trouble.I-I have go"

“Don't go.I like you, I know you feel the same way, what's holding you back? I want to help you.”

“You cannot.I'm not ready.”

“Emmeline, I don't know what really happened between you and Jacob but don't let it interfere with your happiness. I know you are scared, but I am not the guy you think I am.I want to be with you.I really like you. I like your smile,your curly hair,like those dark brown eyes,the way that you care about others,always thinking before you speak” Nicolas comes closer.He touches with one hand mine and holds it and with other touches my cheek. I look at him and our eyes lock.

“Give me a chance to prove you wrong. For once let your heart be the one that guides you.”We remain in silence. I'm scared for my heart but I think about what Josie told me.

"Let the heart want what it wants.”

I take a deep breath.


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