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"Wow, the view is so wonderful."

"I told you you'll like it. Though I'm sure you'd like it even more if you were to see it in person." Daniel said as he faced the camera back at him for Sungwoo to see.

"I wish I could though. Too bad I can't right now." Sungwoo said and sighed. Daniel just smiled and leaned on to the railings.

"We could come back some other time so you could see it." He told his husband to which Sungwoo chuckled.

"Yeah, as if you've got time." Sungwoo teased and Daniel frowned.

"I'm already making up time. Don't you see my progress? We've been going out more often than before. Just proves I managed my time better." Daniel says with an accomplished smile on his face. It was all thanks to his memory that he got more time to spare. He's really thankful because if it weren't for them, he might've been stuck inside the cabin working on his marketing plan despite being on a semi-busines trip/semi-vacation as Jaehwan called like in his past.

But right now, since he finished his plans a month earlier, their business trip was quite relaxing. There are no paper works to worry about and the only thing they have to think of was about a dinner meeting they have to attend tonight.

Daniel didn't worry much about it. He knew that Minhyun would be the only one talking and the fact that the clients would only be affiliated with the company for a few months lessened his interest even more.

But despite remembering all that, Daniel regrets forgetting about Sungwoo staying behind during this business trip. He was all worked up with finishing as much projects as possible that he forgot the date ... again.

"Then congratulations! You've made enough time and now you can relax!" Sungwoo said as he placed the phone down on his table so that he won't have to hold it.

"How can I relax when you're tiring yourself to the bone?" Daniel asked with a pout. He couldn't think of relaxing with the fact that his husband is tiring himself out of work during Valentine's Day, a day where customer's flood the cafe and the time when Sungwoo needs all the help he can find.

He wanted to go back so badly but he couldn't because it was Sungwoo himself who forced him to go despite his many excuses.

"We'll be fine, love. We're kinda used to it. Except for the three newbies though. They're overwhelmed with the amount of customers that they panicked. Hyungseob almost caused a domino effect too with his trag of cakes. Good thing I was there to stop him from bumling into Daehwi and the others." Sungwoo said and giggled at a memory that popped up in his mind. "He reminds me of the first time you witnessed this many people n the cafe too, remember?"

"How can I forget. That's the reason I always stay at the counter." Daniel said, scratching his head and they both laughed, remembering that time in the first Christmas season of the cafe where lots of customers came in.

Since the cafe just opened a few months before, the staff were still few and they truly needed all the help they could get.

Fortunately, Daniel and the others decided to help at the cafe along with some of their company staff to assist at the cafe. Minhyun, having the same hobby as his best friend Sungwoo, manned the counter and brewed coffee and made drinks for the customers. While Daniel, Jonghyun and Hyunbin delivered the cakes. And Jaehwan, he volunteered to have a live performance to lighten up the mood in the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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