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GC Usernames: Chris E (Cap), Scarlett (Black Widow Baby), Robert (Mr. Stank), Elizabeth (Lil Olsen), Chris H (Hammer), Sebastian (Metal guy), Anthony (Wings), Jeremy (Archer), Tom (LoKey), Mark (Dr. B)


spiderboy sent a message to Avengers ASSembled


spiderboy: Hey

Mr. Stank: Hey Bryan!!

Cap: Hey Bry!


spiderboy: Um, Parker got ran over yesterday.

LoKey: Oh no!

Archer: Is he okay?

Hammer: Do they know who did it?

spiderboy: He's dead!!

Wings: Oh Bryan!

Lil Olsen: NO!

Metal Guy: Oh Bry, I'm so sorry.

spiderboy: I had to compose myself.
Dad said the car looked like Drew's car, but he doesn't know for sure and wrote the license plate down for the police.

Black Widow Baby: I'm gonna kill Drew.

Cap: Might as well line up Scar.

Dr. B: Oh no Drew is gonna be in trouble.

spiderboy: There is a large possibility he did it because he hates dogs.
Man, I'm so stupid to think he actually wanted me back.

Lil Olsen: You're so much better off without Drew.

spiderboy: Thanks, Lizzy.


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