Papa iii

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It has been a long day of planing. The sisters of sin have been working their ass off to pack all our things together. I guess they just want us out of this hell hole (literally). I'm the anti-pope, I keep everyone and everything in place in hell. My name is Meliora aka Papa Emeritus iii and I am the lead singer of GhostBC.

My band of nameless ghost and I are going on tour. Our mission from papa Nail is too... well... I'll explain later after the tour. Anyways I am lost at the moment. Mentally lost. I have the whole world lifted on my shoulders. I wanna one day take charge over the world! Sounds impossible right? Well I am the one and son of Satan himself. So it is possible, but I wanna rule the world with a special someone... someone with the same intentions I do... but no one wants me I'm just a singer that worships the Devil and travels around too much.

"Brother?" I turn around. Someone had just woken me from my thoughts. I look into the eyes of brother Omega one of the nameless ghouls. "Omega brother! Is everything ready and packed up? How about the tour bus?" Omega nods "yes Papa, are you ok?" "Yes brother I was just lost in my thoughts" I look down at the floor again. Getting distracted. Then I see her.

Her brown hair. He dark brown eyes and smooth skin and her smile. The most beautiful girl outta the 10 sister of sins. Abby. She notices me staring at her and then she walks over to me. "Hello Papa, hello Omega" I take Abby's hand and lay a soft peak on the top of her hand "hello Abby" I say as I give a small wink. She smiles. "Hello Abby. Do you have all your things packed for the trip?" Omega asked. "Yes brother I do. Oh and sister Sasha is not able to come on tour with us. She is sick so I guess it is just me and you guys!" She smiles that beautiful smile that Satan has blessed her with.

After an hour we all pack onto the bus. The tour bus was huge! It had a love seat, recliner, a built in bathroom and a tiny kitchen. We all sit down. Brother Alpha (another nameless ghoul) and Omega go and practice their guitar solos for tomorrow's first performance in Chicago. Meanwhile I look over the lyrics to our songs. Then I see darkness. "Guess who?" The voice asked and then a little giggle. I life then hands off of my eyes "Abby? I should have known" she smiles and sits down beside me. "So are you ready for tomorrow's first show? It's going to be a big one!" I always loved her enthusiasm. "Yes but I'm just a little nervous" I look up at the checkered pattern sealing on the tour bus. "Don't be" she whispers in my ear then she walks away.

-the next day-


I'm about to finish the last lyric and last song for tonight.. then I can finally head to the hotel room and rest my eyes...


The song ends. The whole crowd cheers with excitement. Me and the nameless ghouls bow down. I wink at the crowed and all the fan girls go crazy! Then we head off stage.

"YOU DID SO GREAT!!" I feel two arms wrap around me. I look down and see the eyes of Abby. She is so beautiful, as always. I take her hands and lead her back stage. "Why not we go for a walk around the city? You know to celebrate! I told The nameless ghouls to go treat themselves. I just wanna hang out with you because your my best friend..." she looks up at me and smiles "I would love that"

I go and get changed and we meet up outside and we head for the state park... to be continued...

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