Story Title: LOOK AWAY (a true life story)

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Story Title: LOOK AWAY

My name is Lawrence. It was around 9pm in the night and I was about to go to bed. My wife and the kids were already in bed. The TV was on and as I walked towards it so I could turn it off, I realized that a message by Kenneth Hagin was on broadcast. So I stopped to see if it was a broadcast that I had watched previously. As I gazed, I saw a middle aged woman walk towards the altar to give a testimony. It was an interesting one and it went thus:

Last week, my husband brought me to church so I could be prayed for. I had cancer. It was so severe that he had to carry me everywhere because I had no strength at all. When Pastor Kenneth Hagin touched me and prayed for me, I screamed " THAT'S IT" as I fell to the floor by the power of the HolySpirit"


My husband carried me back home and the next morning he carried me from the bed to the dining table to take breakfast. As I sat down to eat, I suddenly began to laugh and laugh....

Out of curiosity My husband asked me why I was laughing and I told him "I am laughing at the The devil because he still thinks I've got cancer"

........and then a power outrage happened.

I didn't get to hear the full testimony but, I learnt from it and kept thinking on the little I had watched.

I didn't know that my kids had put a large wooden stool on the way and as I was trying to find my way in the dark, around the living room, I walked into it. I had hit the big toe of my left foot so hard on it.

I screamed very loud but then I was surprised at what I had said. Instead of screaming " Oh..... my toe... I broke my toe... it's bleeding" , rather I screamed "Jesus....Hallelujah............jah..... Glory to God ".

Well, I believe what you let into you, forms within you and also has a great influence on your actions. "Perhaps the testimony had rubbed off on me" ...I thought. Even the Bible says "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" so its best to fill your thoughts / mind and condition it with the Word.

I actually leaped to bed and by the time I got up the next day, it was as if a little demon had sat beside my foot, just waiting for me to wake up. TO READ THE REST OF THE STORY CLICK HERE ( )

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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