A Drunken Night (Friendsworld Matt x Tom)

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Matt was sitting in the living room reading manga. He loved the characters especially the robot one. She would get so flustered when robot was even mentioned and it was adorable! Yes Matt was fanboying right then and there.
Tom burst through the door smelling of alcohol. It was late at night so, it wasn't too suspicious. Edd and Tord were asleep but, Matt always stayed up later than them. 
"Tom! What are you up to?"
Matt looked up at him from his manga. Tom walked or should I say stumbled as he was very drunk, over to Matt
"I'm f- fine! How are you cutie!"
Tom giggled and got behind Matt on the couch. Matt stiffened up and blushed at Tom's last statement.
"I'm just reading some manga!"
Tom put his hands on Matt's shoulders 
"Pfffft who needs anime girls when you got me!"
Matt blushed harder
"Tom what are you-"
He was cut off from his sentence when Tom gently bit his neck. Matt immediately responded with a small squeak. This made Tom chuckle.
"Awwww do you like it?"
Tom nipped and sucked at Matt's neck just to find that perfect spot.
"T-T-Tom stop- ahhhh!"
Tom found it and smirked. Matt couldn't believe that a simple what's up lead to this. Not saying that he doesn't enjoy it. Matt tilted his neck to give Tom more access and Tom took the opportunity. He sucked and nipped at it till Matt let out a small moan. He immediately cover his mouth in embarrassment. Tom looked at Matt with a smirk full of lust. He jumped the couch and sat right next to Matt. 
"Hehe I love making you blush~"
He leaned over and kissed Matt right on his lips. Matt's reaction was to respond with a kiss back. They passionately kissed each other. Matt pulled back gasping for air
"T-Tom? Why are y-you doing this?"
It was all sort of a sudden. Tom smirked
"I've always has feelings for your cute self. You're so adorable and I couldn't resist~"
Tom pinned Matt down and bend down to kiss Matt 
Tom and Matt got up to see Edd standing there looking like he was going to explode from fanboying. 
"God dammit Edd what do you want?"
Tord came downstairs and looked at Tom. 
"Who did the cat drag in?"
Tord chuckled. 
Tom kissed Matt right in front of them.
"Tom.... Are you drunk?"
Tord shook his head unimpressed
Tom smiled. Matt was so flustered.
"I just wanted to read some manga.... Edd are you alright?"
Matt looked at Edd concerned. Edd let out a big squeal.
Edd suddenly passed out from fanboying. Tord facepalmed
"I'm too tired for this shit"
He went back upstairs to go to sleep. Matt went over to Edd and picked him up.
"I'll ummm take him to bed"
Matt dragged Edd up the stairs before being interrupted by Tom
"Hey Matt?"
Matt turned and looked at Tom
Tom smiled
"We'll continue this another night~"
He blew a kiss at Matt before immediately blacking out. Matt smiled and face palmed at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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