Kill Me Why Don't You!?

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“You think you’re hot shit?! I’ll teach you to fuck with me, bitch!”

Arlene’s words stung like a venomous bite, but that was nothing compared to the painful sting of her strike. They circled with the ferocity of vultures, preparing to swoop in and pick apart their prey with savage claws and ravenous teeth, because when desperate, females won’t hesitate to bite.

Brie knew this day would come. The day where she would officially become the latest victim of the TnB. Top Notch Bitches. Titties n Booty. Either would suffice depending on who you asked. Sure. They were three suburban girls who’d pee their pants if you dropped them in the hood to have a confrontation with some real ghetto bitches. But here in the small town of Cougaville, they may as well have been royalty — at least on the schoolyard.

The setting was the back of Mythwood High — on the gravel of the track just outside of the football field. Initially, Brie thought she may have been able to walk away. Turn the other cheek, ya know? That dream came to an abrupt halt when Arlene shoved her so hard in the chest she feared she might need a breast realignment. Then came that wicked slap, packed with so much force that it knocked her right on her butt, which didn’t feel good once it collided with the damp, unforgiving concrete. 

While it may have appeared that every student enrolled in the school was on hand to witness the slaughter, there were only about 20 to 30 of them back there. But none stepped up to defend her honor — not even Marcelene Taylor, who claimed to be a genuine friend. That wasn’t a big shocker, though. TnB’s reputation alone pumped terror into the hearts of most of the female flock, while the boys would never object in fear of not getting a crack at those stuck up asses, a feel at those fluffed up tits, a run at those tired mouths that had been stretched far too wide to be so young.

“Is that what you do to get attention?! Huh, bitch?! Suck someone else’s man’s dick in the bathroom?!”

Arlene’s accusation drew oohs and ahhs from the crowd, but it couldn’t have been further from the truth. Okay, Brie was far from an angel, but she wasn’t a slut, as proclaimed by the biggest hoe-bag in the school district. Still, it hurt to the core to know that the near-innocent smooch she shared with Kyle, Arlene’s ex, suddenly turned into the infamous bathroom blowjob. Brie often dreamed of that hot makeout session with Kyle — wrapped in his toned arms, nestled against his brawny chest, tongue happily dancing with his. But she would never stoop to “that” level. 

Scurrying on her knees, Brie tried to escape their destructive wrath but unfortunately, she just wasn’t fast enough. Tammy, Arlene’s right-hand whore, caught her with a swift kick to the ribs. The shot stole her breath and fight seemingly in one motion, for Brie rolled onto her back and assumed a lifeless position. She looked into the sky with scorned eyes glazed over with tears. At that very moment Brie decided that she hated her life. That’s when she silently wished that the slut team would kill her right there on the spot. 

Megan, the third member of The Three Skankateers — who was so far up Arlene’s shit she could neatly comb and trim each of the fine hairs on her asshole, went to deliver what looked to be the finishing blow, when a sudden chill fell over the area and put everything on ice. 

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