The meeting

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I stepped into the small coffee shop, the door making a bell sound as it opened, and my shoes leaving wet footprints on the floor as I made my way over to a booth near the window and the tv. I had grown acquainted to the weather in Tokyo, but still disliked it immensely. Ever-changing. I don't mind the rain, in fact I love it, but not when i'm homeless and have no money. A waitress walked over too me and wrinkled her nose up at my appearance, but tried putting on a polite smile anyway.

"Is there anything I can get you...?" She trails off, taking in my appearance once more and realizing I probably don't even have enough money to buy a straw.

"Oh dear." She squeaks as it dawns on her and she runs off into the back, probably thinking i'm some impulsive and crazy homeless person who would mug her in the middle of a coffee shop. Wouldn't be the first time someone thinks i'm crazy. I tune into the tv as a certain familiar story hits the news.

"A psychiatric hospital has been burnt to the ground in Osaka with over two thousand doctors, security guards,and patients all killed. So far no bodies can be identified. It seems the place was set up for this attack and was no accident as bombs and dynamite were found in both the attic in cieling, as well as traces of methane in the air vents and gasoline in the hallways. Nothing else has been discovered so far but more news to come later on." The reporter says and the screen turns to a picture of the burnt hospital I was in less then a day and a half ago.

There door dings once again as two new people walked in and past my booth. Two woman, however one seemed to be in her forties while the other appeared to be in her early teens. The teen stopped in front of me with a curious look on her face.

"Are you homeless?" She asks and I slide my eyes up to hers. She had dark brown hair and eyes to match with a genuiely curious expression, meaning she meant no malice by her question.

"Sayu!" The older woman snapped and my eyes snapped wide open. Sayu Yagami. And that must be her mother Sachiko Yagami. fateful that I would meet them. Sachiko gives me an apologetic look and then does a retake on my appearance, eyes widening as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Oh dear, how old are you?" She asks with a sincere look of concern on her face.

"Seventeen." I fib. It wasn't technically lying, I had only just barely turned eighteen and if it hadn't been for being at the psychiatric hospital I would still be in my senior year of high school. Which I'll admit, I missed high school. It was dreadfully boring and I surpassed even college level in middle school but it was normal, and gosh I missed normal. Her concern increased and she put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse me if i'm being rude, but are you?" She asks hestiantly. Slowly, I nod.

"I am." My voice was as neutral as ever, but it seemed to bring tears to her eyes. She sniffled and gave me a warm smile.

"Sayu, my daughter and I were just about to head home and eat dinner. Would you like to  join us?" She asks kindly and despite my cold outer exterior, warmth spread through my heart. I'd never been treated very kindly, even at my orphange I was almost always ostracized from the group and left on my own, but here was this woman I hardly know, inviting a ragmuffin like me into her probably really nice house.

"Sure." Was my indifferent response, and despite my emotionless towards everything, she remained cheery and friendly, while Sayu was chatty and curious the whole way back to their house. I answered with the simplest ways I could, not up for much small talk, but they seemed to be fine with my lack of emotion or better responses. We soon made it to their house and with a mental sigh, I was right. It is nice.

As we walked in I could smell the wonderful smell of fresh home cooked food ready to be eaten. "Sayu." Ms. Yagami said and Sayu nods and pulls on my wrist up the stairs and into what I could only assume was her bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2012 ⏰

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