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Asalamoalaikum :)

I'm back again, yay. 😅

Recap for y'all.

* "Sorry sir." the guy on the line replied with a shaky voice.

"Enough. Now I'll do it myself."

Just a few more days to live Shehry. You think you're saved now? Well I won't let you live longer you know. I get what I want. Watch out for me.

The person thought and lied down on his comfy bed again to sleep. *

Happy reading :)



I opened my eyes slightly to see the view blur in front of me. Sighing lightly I closed my eyes. The sigh make an erupt pain flow throughout my body and I felt someone's keep pinching my leg with sharp knives and needles.

Wincing, I opened my eyes and my gaze fell on... her. She was sleeping, resting her head on the frame. Every pain inside my body was nothing compared to her tensed and sleep deprived expressions present on her face, while sleeping.

Her mouth was slightly opened. I smiled sheepishly at the cuteness but it soon faded when my gaze went towards her knitted eyebrows. I tried to get up a bit that I can see her clearly, but failed badly slightly wincing.

I stared at her for a while, examining her face.

I'm so messed up Saba. How will you survive with me when I keep doing this to you? How will I survive now with this guilt?

Gulping down a big lump in my throat  I extended my hand towards her. Ignoring the pain, I lightly touched her cheek that made her stir and I pushed my hand away harshly that engulfed my whole body shiver in pain.

Tears formed in my eyes looking at her, thinking what she's been through, struggling against me. And here she's still with me when I'm in any trouble or pain.

You're always there Saba.

No matter what! You're always there.

Oh God what have I done? She's my... wife.

"My... wife." i tried to say in a whisper but my mouth felt hesitant. "My wi- fe. Saba you're myyy..." I sighed in annoyance.

I just can't literally say it. What the fuck!

I extended my hand again to her cheek, this time without pulling my hand back. The moment my fingers and palm touched her cheek, it felt like I was touching the world softest thing. Without even knowing I started caressing her cheek cupping her face lightly and ever so gently.

I hope you don't wake up right now. I can't face you.

"I'm sorry Saba." I spoke up but no response came from her side.

"I was about to say that..."

"That I'm coming to you. I'm coming for you." I wanted to go to her, feel her warmth, hug her. After a slight pause I completed"That I know how much you hate being alone specifically when it's dark."

I still remember that night Saba. How can we ever? I lost my dad forever that day and you've been through the same that day, in fact more scared. Your father wasn't with you and I... I took advantage.

My heart was beating at full rate. I didn't broke my gaze, I looked at her as if she's the most precious person in this world right now, for me at least.

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