1 (hello anyeoung haesayo)

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(Y/n) POV
Today I'm at school it's been thirty days here throughout these thirty days it's been stares,cat calling (as in trying to get some of me like date me),also making friends and etc, through these thirty days this cute/sexy boy and 6 other has been staring at me today I am deciding to go speak to him to know why it is lunch now as I walk to my group table which they name is rose,jisoo,Jennie,lisa(a/n basically black pink that's who they are) I sit next to them "hey that and the other 6 stares at you he is cute you should go ask him why or get to know him now and me and the rest are gonna go skip school bye" Jennie says "ok bye I'm gonna go talk to they boy bye" I say then they leave I got me some orange chicken (made it myself cause I know it's chinese so I made it my self) I put it with noodles which I made myself I sat by the boy he looked like this

(Y/n) POV Today I'm at school it's been thirty days here throughout these thirty days it's been stares,cat calling (as in trying to get some of me like date me),also making friends and etc, through these thirty days this cute/sexy boy and 6 other ...

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I hope he ain't dating no one I thought he was sitting by 7 boys and 0ne girl (don't think wrong no dirty mind stuff here even tho in real life I might be 😏 if you did or did not think wrong comment me and tell me if you did or did not) I here he is part of a gang called aomg I thought I saw one seat next to him and decided to sit by him since that one girl left then all the other 6 boys looked at me confused the 6 other boys looked like this

I hope he ain't dating no one  I thought he was sitting by 7 boys and 0ne girl (don't think wrong no dirty mind stuff here even tho in real life I might be 😏 if you did or did not think wrong comment me and tell me if you did or did not) I here h...

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(That is Simon Dominic ) the second one i see looks like this

How is he the only one smiling like god dang the others look omg at me crazy (that's jay park )

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How is he the only one smiling like god dang the others look omg at me crazy (that's jay park )

I see a third one giving me a pervert smirk/kinda not more like a smile he's fine self looking like this

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