2. Oh no (o,andwae)

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Welp i just got out of school since we finished the lessons I was walking down the street I was getting cat calls as since it was only mean out here the only women out here was working in some stores since this was the "hood of Korea" as I walked down an alley I heard screaming as of an women I looked over a corner to see sik-k and jay park violating her (touching in pervert without permission in this story) I was shocked and covered my mouth not to make sound then when they got done advantage of her felt guilty for not help I then walk away I go to my house 🏠 which looks like this

Y/n POV Welp i just got out of school since we finished the lessons I was walking down the street I was getting cat calls as since it was only mean out here the only women out here was working in some stores since this was the "hood of Korea" as I...

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I go inside and then I see the weirdest thing I go outside my front door to see a Girl Scout and man arguing cause he want s more chocolate screaming like this

Causing a whole seen making people look and some laugh I laughed (a/n when I used that vine I laughed so hard) then the girl ran away then they guy went in his house upset then I and everyone else went in they house either laughing or doing the wtf face or laughing while doing the wtf face I went inside and decided to change into night clothes but ate before I did them I went to sleep


It was now morning I got dressed into this

I was scrolling through hobisserenity (shout out to her) Instagram then I went to school ~~~~~~ it is now lunch so as I sat by the boys I looked at sik k and tapped him and asked him a question but lowly so no one can hear me "hey" I say nervesly ...

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I was scrolling through hobisserenity (shout out to her) Instagram then I went to school ~~~~~~ it is now lunch so as I sat by the boys I looked at sik k and tapped him and asked him a question but lowly so no one can hear me "hey" I say nervesly and he just nods reading a book I then sit next to loco and say " hey can we meet at the park I need to tell you something and you can't tell no one else I feel guilty and it's bothering me can you do that" I say then he nods I look around moving my eyes around fast like a crazy person shifting around then sik k notices and says "are you ok" then I and the others are shocked but I just nod and go back on my phone 📱 "hey he does talk but not much" jay says I just nod


School is now over so it is time for me to meet up with loco I see him and sit next to him there is no one at the park so I'd say " I saw sik k and jay do something and when I did I didn't do nothing to try to help out to what they did and I feel guilty you have to promise you won't tell" I sai "ok sure" he says "I saw sik k and jay violate well touch her inappropriately she screamed I saw this and didn't do anything about it and I feel guilty" I say "ummmmm" "please don't tell anyone thanks for listening bye" I say then give him a hug and he gives me one back I then leave and text my freind taehyung while I'm sitting in a coffe shop

Mr.gucci: hey

Y/n:hey how are you I'm good but I saw sik k and jay do something and I didn't try to help out when I saw them violate a girl and I feel guilty I talked to loco about it and so I wanted to tell you that pls dont tell anyone bye love you

Mr.gucci: wow that sad I feel bad your guilty and for the girl love you too babygirl I'm sorry I'm flirting i know it's not the time bye



Loco POV

I'm sitting with the boys at our gang house "hey guys y/n saw what you did in the alley she told me and said she felt guilty she didn't do nothing bout it she told me not to tell but I just had to and that's why she was just nodding and was shifting and moving her eyes uncomfortably she told me at the park" I say "oh my god she wasn't supposed to see that I feel so bad I like her she's sexy and nice and more I feel so bad but I might have to hurt her if she told anyone else" sik k says

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