Happiness 5:

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Author's P.O.V.

As soon as they came home, a mad Jin welcomed them in the front door.. He's frowning while his arms crossed over his chest..

'Where the heck have you— Oh my God!! What happened to your neck, Jimin?! Are you okay??' Jin panicked.

Jungkook carries him to the living room and lay him on the couch..

'Are you okay, Park?? Do you want to eat something?? Drink anything?? Take some rest??'

Jimin shook his head but didn't let go of his hand.. 'Don't leave, Jeon.. I-I'll ask my hyung to cook dinner for you..'

'No need.. I need to leave now.. /ruffles his hair/ Here's my number.. Call me anytime you needed me.. I'll be here as fast as I can..'

Jimin finally let go of his hand and smiled weakly. 'Thanks for letting me crash your working area.. I-I'll fax you the designs tomorrow evening..'

'You don't have to, I'll just stop over after my classes.. Hmm, how about 8pm?? Sounds good??'

'Yeah sure, 8pm..'


The following day, Jimin woke up at exactly 4:30am to sketch some new designs..

The following day, Jimin woke up at exactly 4:30am to sketch some new designs

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'I'm gonna name it, "Eridanus" or the river of stars.. /sighs/ I hope this will be perfect for his collection..'

'This will be a hit for celebrities women

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'This will be a hit for celebrities women.. /smiles/ "The Voeux d'Ares" or The Wishes of Ares.. Anyone who will wear this will make their wishes come true..' Jimin giggles.. 'Guess I'll just make revision later..' He stood up and went to his room to take a warm shower. His sore muscle needs it..


Jungkook stopped by Jimin's house at exactly 8pm.. He brought some pizza and chicken in order for the latter to eat well.. Just by his looks, Jungkook knew that he wasn't eating too much..

He knocks on the front door revealing a smiling Jin who asked him to come in..

'Jiminie will be here any moment.. He was just talking to his best friend in Australia..' He explained.

'No worries, I understand.. Uhmm here.. /gave the pizza and bucket of chicken/ you should eat more..'

'Oh thank you!! Jiminie loves pizza.. Wait here, I'll just place it in the dining room..' Jin disappeared to the other room.

Jungkook sat on the couch and noticed the pictures on the frame hanging on the wall.. It was Jimin and a boy with boxy smile..

'They looked good together..' He mumbled to himself.. He loves the house to be honest.. It has a warm feeling than in his house.. Maybe because the people here still waiting for true love..

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