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They don't even stop at headquarters. The plane ride is directly to their home.

Kya wasn't badly injured, but she had to have a wrap on. Although she was trying to stay brace and calm, he could see she was traumatized. All of them were, even Wallie. The baby who never cries, now cries when he's alone. Ella hasn't left Alex's side, who hasn't left his parents side. Kayla, she was just looking out for her sister at all costs. And Kya, well, Kya was usually a full ball of energy, but she was quiet for a twelve hour flight home.

Ally hasn't even talked to him since she woke up from the gas. This wasn't right.

"Guys," Austin starts, coming to his team that looked scarred. Tom wasn't happy, Eleanor hasn't talked in hours, and Matt and Sierra were cuddled up on each other which was not normal, also. "We need to talk."

They all sat in the living room of his home, looking lost. This isn't the team they founded all those years ago. They're new people with new lives. That's why this doesn't feel the same.

"Yeah, we do," Matt agrees, gently moving Sierra off of him as he sat up. "I can't do this anymore."

Sierra looks at him and nods, then turns to Austin. "This is the second time a kid of our family has gotten threatened with a gun to their head. To be quite honest, I never thought my son would be in danger if he was around your kids since you're the bigger threat with more kids. I know that sounds selfish, but I can't... do this anymore. Alex is my world, and I can't have him in harms way like that again."

Austin bites his lip in understandment. "I... actually agree. After tonight, I'm deciding to resign. As leader of this team and as a spy in general. All of my kids are shooken up, and my wife won't talk to me. Tonight was a mistake. Had this happened in our prime, we would have known that this was a setup before we even went back to headquarters. But I think it's time to accept that we aren't the same, and there's too much st risk for us to continue."

Tom sighs and nods. "Yeah, I think it's time I resign, too. I'm not feeling the same adrenaline I used to get."

Everyone looks to Eleanor, and she shrugs. "Sorry, but I don't have anything to lose at this point. I lost you guys as a family. I'm gonna continue this," She stands and goes to Austin. She cups his cheek and leans up to place a kiss on his cheek. "After today, I probably won't see you again for a long ass while, so I just want you to know that I love you. I'm sorry things worked out the way they did with us."

She tries to kiss him, but Austin steps back, making her frown. She sighs and looks at the other three. "It was nice. I'm sorry, Sierra. I know I hurt you most, and I know deep down, it's gonna hurt again. I love you."

Sierra gives a small smile and nods, showing her a sign of forgiveness. Before they know it, Eleanor is gone out of the house and possibly it of their lives.

"So... that's it, huh? We're done." Matthew says, looking up in thought.

They all nod and sigh, thinking back on what lead to this moment.


Austin makes a huge breakfast the next morning. It consists of everyone's favorites. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, biscuits, strawberries, sausage, toast; everything. He felt the need to make up for last night.

Ella and Alex come down first, holding hands. Austin just accepts that the two were connected by the hips and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Waffles!" Ella squeals, seeing the place on the counter. "Daddy, I want waffles!"

"Of course you do," Austin chuckles. He looks at Alex, and sees the boy still shooken from last night. "You want some waffles, too, Alex?"

He shakes his head and both Austin and Ella frown. "But you love waffles! We love waffles! We can share mine!"

Austin just watches as she climbs in a chair and pulls Alex with her. The two sit there peacefully for their plate and Austin gets a plate of waffles and places it in front of them with syrup. "Go crazy, then."

Kya awakes up next, and she comes in limping. "Dad, can you help me change my- pancakes!"

"Change your pancakes?" He playfully questions, helping her to a chair. "Don't think that's possible."

"Can you get me some pancakes and eggs and strawberries, pleaseeeee."

Austin nods and begins fixing her place. Soon enough, Kayla, Tom, Sierra, and Matt make their way down.

They all make their plates and it's tense from the events that have happened in the last 24 hours, but not as bad as it could be.

Austin looks around and notices Ally wasn't down here and Wallie wasn't awake yet. Wallie always woke up early in the morning with his happiness. Ally, well, she never stayed in bed no later than 10.

Just as the thought pops into his head, there's a shriek. "Austin!"

He looks at his former teammates and Sierra goes with him as he moves to the back of his house. They can hear the panic from the bedroom and once they enter, Austin and Sierra's eyes go wide from the amount of blood on the bed and covering Ally.

There are tears welling up in Ally's eyes and she runs to Austin to hug him. Austin raises an eyebrow and grips her back, kissing her head to sooth her before looking at Sierra, who had a sad look on her face as she stared at the bed.

"What's going on?" Austin asks. The question is in general but he's looking directly at Sierra.

"I can't deal with more bad news in such a short period of time," she sighs, shaking her head and heading up out of the room. "I need some air. I'll run some tests later."

Little did he know, the worst 24 hours of his life was just getting worse.

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