cry baby

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A/N I don't own the art at the top but props to who drew it. It looks amazing. Like how??

This isn't a good idea.

This will help you get with Michael.

He probably likes you anyway.

No turning back now.

Turn back it's not too late.

Do it for him.

With the last lonely thought Jeremy was in tears and had swallowed the pill-shaped super computer. Again. This had been the second time Jeremy had taken a squip.

But this time it was different. It wasn't as selfish as before. It was for him this time.

~ Time skip to when shit starts to happen~

"So your telling me that you want to get with a boy that already flirts with you and gives so many obvious hints that he likes you?" The squip said spitefully. Once again sending tears streaming down the boys face. " B-But what if he doesn't like m-me? What if i-i ask h-him out and and it ruins the whole friendship? P-please just help me w-with this? " Jeremy begged ignoring the tears falling down his face rather quickly.

"Considering that is my job, I will help you. Has Michael mentioned any preferences? Besides his sexuality, of course" The squip asked somehow triggering the tears to slow down a bit as the boy wiped them off his face and sat on his bed. "He t-told me he thought braces were c-cute..." He trailed off letting the squip answer "You had braces in 5th grade, correct?"


"Anything else he said?"

"He a-also said that he f-found stuttering c-cute"

"Jesus Christ, it's obvious he likes you just asked him out already he's waiting for you to ask him out!"

The squip snapping coused Jeremy to break in to more tears. "You seem to cry alot. Do people call you a crybaby at school? Or do people not really care? Does Michael reassure you when you cry?"

Jeremy didn't answer the questions. He was too busy trying not to cry more than he already was.

"You do realise I can read your thoughts, right?" Jeremy broke out of his train of thoughts

~yet another time skip to the day after lots of planning and tears (obviously)

This was the day. This was the day Jeremy Heere was going to gather up the courage to ask out Michael Mell. He had what he needed: a script and his confidence. Jeremy walked up to Michael's door and rang the doorbell. "Hey dude. You know you don't have to ring the doorbell right?" Michael asked looking down at Jeremy since he was only a little bit shorter than him. "Y-yeah I know I j-just wasn't really s-sure, I guess..." Michael grabbed Jeremys hand and led him down into his basement.

They set up Apocalypse Of The Damned and sat on the bean bags. Half way through the game Jeremy paused it "H-hey Michael?" He stuttered out preparing for heart break "Yeah bud? Why did you pause it?" He asked very confused and kind of scared "I-i wanted to ask you something important..."


"I was wondering if u-um y-you would go on a-a d-date with m-me? Y-You dont have t-"

"Sure. When?"

"W-we d-didnt t-think that f-far ahead..."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Michael was confused at jeremys choice of wording.

"I um m-might h-have gotten a-another squip-"

"YOU WHAT??? JEREMY DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME?? YOU COULD HAVE-" Michael cut himself off when he saw the tears and heard the sobs coming from Jeremy.


"Y-you don't h-have t-to go out w-with me..." Jeremy was now curled up in a ball on the ground attempting to wipe away the tears streaming down his face. "Jeremy. Look at me." Michael said sounding a bit demanding so the slightly shorter boy would listen.

HAH. CLIFFHANGER SO I CAN ACTUALLY FINISH THIS ALso thanks to Choniiis for accedentaly going onto my acount and fixing the grammar word count: 699

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