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she walked along the streets.
her hand in his.
swinging their arms in the rain.

they loved the rain,
and they loved one another.

that's what she believed.

they walked the streets.
it was mid afternoon,
and the weather was bright,
but cold.

the rain, coming down softly.

they had not always been together.
she had met him one morning,
and fell in love.

she was not human.
and there was not really a title for her.
but she helped to bring on the rain.
to care for it.

she described herself as a "weather being"
a celestial creature,
but she would never call herself that.

unlike stories you've been told before,
beings were sent to control the weather.
and they could be anybody.

your parent,
your teacher,
your favourite author.

this also meant a responsibility.
to look after the rain.
to guide it,
and make sure that it fell in the right places.

to make sure that the flowers,
that bloomed in the summer,
were watered well.

and the lakes,
that stood still in the winter,
were well filled for the next seasons.

she knew that her emotions affected it.
the temperature of it,
the harshness of it.

and yet sometimes,
it was too hard to control them.

she told him everything.
and he accepted her.

they too began to meet often.
everyday for the next four months
then she offered him to be like her.
to look after the rain,

and he accepted.
they spent years together.

not ageing,
they never did.
all "weather beings" had a partner.
somebody to keep them company.

for her she never knew why she didn't,
in the beginning.

but now she finally did.
somebody to confide in,
somebody to love with.

as they walked on a note flew down.
it wasn't unusual for them to recieve notes.
they would be from others like her.

just saying hi,
or updating them on weather events.

but this time,
it was soaked through,
however the writing was not ruined.

he picked it up.

"sunshine's partner has tragically died.
please hold onto your partners,
with love and light,
as you look after your assigned weathers"

a tear ran down her cheek.
this had never happened before.
their life spans were different.
so how could they die.

as she turned to look at her partner,
he smiled at her,
gave her hand a tight squeeze,
and he let go.

she looked to him.
confused and worried.

and he smiled to her,
but it was no longer that soft smile.
it was an apologetic one.

she looked on at him,
heartache sketched onto her face,
and carved into her heart.

"i'm sorry"

he whispered.
and he walked away from her.
she ran for him,
but he disappeared.

but she knew why.

everytime she had talked about the sunshine,
and described the "weather being" to him
he seemed to light up.

maybe it was because the sun was warm,
or that her words were always soft,
when she talked about sunshine.

but still,
she hoped he liked her more.

but she was wrong.
he liked the idea of the sun,
rather the reality of the rain.

and so she walked.
not stopping,
and neither did the rain.
as it became harsh and cold.

it was the biggest rainfall in decades.
she knew it was because of her,
but it was hard to stop the feelings.

as a note came down weeks after,
telling her they had become married
she began to walk the same streets they first met.

but only walking at night,
seemed to ease her mind.
this way she couldn't see the sunshine.
she would just see the darkness,
and the rain.

 she would just see the darkness,and the rain

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more of a solemn chapter but i wanted to show the sadness that the rain could sometimes bring. i am not that confident with this chapter but i hope you like it all the same : ). also thankyou so much for reading and please vote if you liked this chapter. it would mean so much, thankyouu. i hope that you all have the loveliest of days ♡.
- author pea -

it's only the rain //                                     bts+yoongi short storyWhere stories live. Discover now