Meeting abel

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Chapter 2
Tori's p.o.v
Jax helped me carry my bags "I have a car you can borrow during the day so it has a baby seat in it" I nod this was all a little weird to me "and Abel is two?" He smiled "yeah turned two the other month" I nod "where's his mum" Jax sighed unlocking the door "she was a junkie. We had split up and tried to reconcile she got pregnant we split up again I didn't pay much attention to her and. She took drugs throughout the pregnancy. He was born 2 months pre mature , we shipped her ass off to rehab. , I'll never let Abel call her mum we walked inside and a woman walked around the corner "Mr Jax , Abel is in the bath" he smiled "thanks Neeta you can go home" she nodded "call when you need me back" he nods and hands her money "have a. Good weekend Neeta" she walked out and he shut the door behind her and turned to me and smiled happily "ready to meet Abel" I nod and we walked to the bathroom "daddy!" A little boy called out "hey buddy" Jax said happily "this is my friend she's going to stay here for a few days her names tori" I smiled and knelt down "hey Abel" he grinned and Jaxs phone started ringing he answered it and spoke in a low voice I played with Abel. "What's you favourite bath toy?" He picked up a toy bike "this one because it's like daddy's" I smiled and Jax got off the phone "Tori I hate to do this to you but my step father just got hurt I need to go make sure his okay can you-" I cut him off "go Jax honestly it's fine your letting me stay at your house it's the least I can do" he nods "be good Abel" he ran out and I grabbed a towel "ready to get out little man?"

I tucked Abel in bed and read him a story until he fell asleep i got up and shut his light out walking into the kitchen I yawned and looked in the fridge it was full of food but I wasn't hungry... I went and made sure the door was locked before curling up on the couch and drifting off to sleep

Jax's p.o.v
I was so un focused all I had on my mind was Tori , I had only met the girl two days ago ! I had explained to everyone what was going on. And they all understood .... Even mum which is a bit weird for her .. Maybe because of what Tori has been through I snapped back into reality noticing I was in my driveway I shut off my bike and took my helmet off . After unlocking to door I walked in noticing no mess in the kitchen .. So she hasn't eaten .. I frowned and walked to the lounge room. Seeing the short purple haired girl asleep on my couch with no blankets or pillows I shook my head and picked her up she groaned "is that you Jax?" I smiled "go back to sleep darlin your going to sleep in my bed okay" she frowned with her eyes still shut "I can't Jax" I placed her in my bed "it's okay I'll take the couch". I started to walk out when I heard her soft voice "Jax" I turned my head and saw her sitting up in my lonely bed "what is it darlin" she yawned and laid back down "sleep in here .. I get nightmares" I nod and got undressed till I was left in my boxers. And jumped in the bed "you sure , I can go get Abel to sleep in here if you want" she shook her head "just ...keep the bad dreams away please Jackson" I pulled her closer to me "as long as I'm around Tori No one will ever hurt you again .... I promise" and she fell asleep

Tori's p.o.v
I frowned jax was still asleep. I had showered gotten dressed and dressed Abel. I looked around the kitchen "do you want toast?" He smiled and nods I open up the cupboard there was only peanut butter so i guess it will have to do I poured him a glass of Apple juice and made his toast before setting it in front of him he smiled "thanks toooorri" I ruffled his hair and picked up my phone checking it I had a message from a private number

From -unknown
I will find you and when I do you better hope that you don't run again

I stared at my phone in silence "who sent that to you" jax said behind me I spun around and looked at him "how long have you been there for?" He shrugged "10 minutes you've Been staring at it for 10minutes" I looked and saw Abel was gone and his cup and plate was empty "tori don't make me ask again" I looked at the phone " it's not important " he stared at me for a second before. Grabbing the. Phone. I tried to snatch it back but he pulled it away "go pack a few clothes in a bag for you and Abel were staying at the clubhouse for a few days till I can track this person down and get rid of him "jax you'll get yourself
Killed" he shook his head " no tori you will if you keep. Ignoring this now go and pack" I sighed and walked down the hall way I was sick of hiding from him I. Will kill him myself I grabbed my laptop And backup phone Shoving it in the bag
Along. With clothes and other things. I grabbed my gun and stared at it before stuffing it in the back of my pants and shoving on. A black hoodie I grabbed a few thing from Abel's room including a stuffed monkey that I saw I cuddling last night I walked out into the lounge room. And jax was with two of his friends "just track him juice I'll kill the. Basterd" who I'm guessing was juice. Nods "okay man but why do you care I mean we don't know this girl what if she's undercover fuck for all we know She could be ATF" jax glared at him. "And for all we know juice I could have you out on your own in three seconds" another guy shook his head "brother are you sleeping with this girl or something" jax shook his head and sighed "no I just .... Feel the need to protect her " "like you did with Tara before she left cause you wouldn't leave the club?" Jax Frowned "me and tara were high school sweethearts nothing more nothing less I couldn't give two shits about her but if anyone hurt tori I'd brake there god damn hand off". "You've only known her for a few days" juice pointed out and jax shrugged "it's a feeling juice don't question it just track this message". I frowned why was he getting so protective

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