It's 8:45 in the morning and i'm still in bed. Finding words to fit ny feelings for this new song i'm working on. I tought of some so i got up, sit on my desk and wrote down lyrics.
"Death can't live
Sadness can't laugh
broken hearts can never love..So does this broken mirror
where i'm looking
at this bleeding fist,
and a silver blade slipping
against a wristtears been falling down
to lips unkissed
just ignore her
and she won't existanyway she's never the kind
you'll come to miss""Sounds good, i like it" i said to myself as i get my guitar and think of how i should make the song more darker.
Befor i even came up at something, my alarm rang which it means i have to go to school.
{ a/n; just a short ud co'z you know. ahehezz }