Chapter 1: Oh crap..

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'Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock....your running out of time Emily...~'

I ran and ran as fast as I could throughout the dark eerie mansion, trying not to trip over myself or other objects. I could hear the small pitter patter of feet only a few feet behind me followed by chill sending giggles that made me miss the comfort of my mother's hugs, and the warmth of my dad's gentle embrace. If only I hadn't said what I said or did what I did, I wouldn't be in this position now.

I suddenly felt a hand grip at my ankle, earning an ear piercing scream to emit from the back of my throat as I fell to the floor, now trying to desperately kick the hand off, but it was no use. I look up at the figures standing before me, 2 little girls about the age of 10 look straight into my eyes with their own lifeless, pitch-black ones. It was obvious they were twins seeing as they both had long black hair tied off into pigtails using a pink and blue ribbon coated in dried up blood, both of their faces seemed porcelain and perfect with a few minor scratches here and there, and their dresses were that of a doll's, all pretty and laced. But even still, I was terrified of them...

They began to drag me off with immense strength to only god knows where, sending my mind into an extreme panic as I look around the area surrounding me for something, anything that can help me. Who knows what they're going to do to me! They could harm me, torture me, hell, they could even kill me! All I knew for sure is that if I didn't get out of their grasp soon, I was going to be in a world of misery.

As I was losing hope of finding anything useful, I saw a light shine in my eyes a distance away in the direction I was being dragged in. I reached my hand out more every second we got closer to it, and eventually, I grab onto it. It was a glass shard from one of the broken windows that had nothing but a brick wall behind it.

"THANK THE HEAVENS!" I exclaim in my head as I look at the little girls hand. I sit up as best as I can and slash at it, causing the girl to scream and let go of me.

I take the opportunity for freedom and get up, now running away as fast as my legs could carry me. I could hear the other twin's footsteps following mine and catching up. My breathing was heavy and uneven as my vision started to go blurry due to exhaustion, my pace now starting to slow down. Once I actually notice this, I dart into a random dark room and hide under a table in a corner, making sure the cloth covering it covers me as well, now trying to control my breathing, which I soon held in all together when I heard the doors open and saw blood drip right next to the table i'm under.

"Where did she go...? She couldn't have gone far.." One of the twins said.

"Mother isn't going to be happy..." apparently, the second twin had caught up.

They stay a bit longer, trying to look for me, but they soon give up and leave the room, resulting in me letting out a loud breath, now gasping for air as I clutch at my chest. I slowly crawled out of hiding and started heading for the door again, attempting to make my way to the front of the house. As I walked out into the dark hallway, I looked both ways to see if the girls had left. Seeing that they had, I quickly ran to look for a near exit, but ran into a dead end.

"Crap. . ." I mumble as I turn back around, only to be met face to face with a figure made completely of black ooze, pure white glowing eyes staring directly into mine, and for a moment, I froze completely.

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