Abusive father

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When I fell into the ocean that's when I realize that I'll never find love that I'll never find happiness

I landed on the sand all exhausted and tired I got up and ran home that's what I did I ran home. Not looking back forever

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks I guess I'm crying my heart out like always but this time it's not going to stop.....

I opened the door to see my father all boiled with anger "where the fuck were you pink brat!?"

he yelled "and why are you soaking wet you whore" he slapped as hard as he can making her bleed

All you can hear were horrible terrifying screams coming at the roses house

the neighbors became very worried and frightened they called 911 recording that something bad is happening

When a police came to see what the problem is he knocked on the door everything became silent "who's there" mr rose asked "it's a police officer"

"What do you want" he asked "well your neighbors called us and said that there was screaming coming from your home"

mr rose became silent he was scared and pissed that if the police finds out then he'll go to jail

"my daughter was having a horrible nightmare from watching a horror film"

The officer then sighed and apologized for interrupting him trying to cheer up his daughter and left telling the other polices that it was just a nightmare

On the other hand amy was on the ground probably bleeding to death. the poor hedgehog was whimpering as her father kicked her one last time and headed to his room

Amy got up slowly trying not to hurt her injured body and walked upstairs. she then collapsed into her bed and cried all she did was cry her heart out

She's fearing that this isn't gonna end she's fearing that she'll be more hurt until she dies she's never been scared for her life

She covered herself not caring if she's still bleeding and cried until she fell fast asleep


The next day amy was surprised that she didn't die but is still heart broken slowly she got up and went to the bathroom

Fearing herself to see how horrible she looked and finally looked up...with a small gasp she couldn't believe her eyes

her whole entire body was covered in bruises, cuts, dry blood anything you could ever imagine her right eye was covered with a black eye and tear stains down her cheeks

She quickly turned on the shower and rinsed herself off watching the blood going down the drain her cuts sting from the sand

15 minutes past by amy made sure that her body was freshened up and clean she still isn't happy that she can't be with her friends

She wishes that she didn't fall in love with the jackass the day that he saved her from metal sonic

The Sakura hedgehog dried her long quills and put on black converse, with blue skinny jeans, a purple long sleeve a neon green jacket, and black sunglasses to cover her black eyes

She grabbed her backpack and headed down stairs making sure her cuts and bruises can't be seen

When she landed down there she saw her father having s** with a drunk woman in his bedroom

Without making a noise she opened the door and ran outside closing the door quietly

While she was walking she heard a voice "hey amy"

Shadamy-The sad hedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now