Puckleberry ~The Truth

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Rachel- Hey Finn I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight. (smiles)

Finn- I'm sorry Rach but I can't tonight

Rachel- Okay call me or text me see you in glee club (hugs him and leaves)

Finn- That was close. Okay you can come out now

???- Finn you need to break up with that annoying brat.

Finn- Okay I'll break up with her later. Let's just not talk about it right now (puts arms around her waist)

???- (puts arms around neck and kisses him roughly) Finn break up with her in glee club so we can tell them our surprise (smiles)

Finn- Okay (kisses her forehead) Love you see you in glee

???- K Bye (leaves to class)

In Glee Club


Mr.S- Okay guys we have to get ready for sectionals and we are doing original songs. (glee cheers)

Finn- Mr.Shue I have an announcement to make.

Mr.S- Okay go ahead Finn

Finn- I have been with an amazing girl and now I am going to be a father.

Rachel- Wait but I'm not pregnant

???- He's talking about me dwarf (goes up to Finn and kisses him)

Rachel- Finn you cheated on me with Santana how could you. I loved you (runs out  crying)

Puck- Wow Finn I can't believe you did that to her. (gets up and leaves)

Mercedes- I feel bad for Rachel,but Congrats (hugs Finn and Santana)

With Rachel (Her POV)


I can't believe he cheated on me with Santana my supposedly friend, but she really is a backstabbing bitch. I call my mom to come and pick me up.I sit and wait outside playing some games on my phone.

???- Hey Rach how are you feeling

Rachel- Puck shouldn't you be in glee club (looks at him)

Puck- I came to look for you. (looks at her and smiles)

Rachel- (smiles) Ummm... I should go my mom's here talk to you later Puck (hugs him and gets in car with mom)

Puck- (smiles and leaves back to glee club)

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