Chapter 7

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Word Count: 1700

Ronnie POV

I was here. I was at the boarder of Beacon Hills. I was at Lucien's house. On the outside, it looked like your everyday house (that's if an everyday house looked like a mansion that could easily be mistaken for a Kardashian house.)

There was only one house on the boarder of Beacon Hills. 'This has to be Lucien's house.' I thought to myself. It was all white at the front, with multiple windows with and a dark brown door. Outside the door was an immaculate white porch with a dark brown, wooden table on the right that matched the colour of the front door. To match the table and chairs, there was an umbrella covering the table from above, guarding it from any rain.

I forced myself to take the first step up the white staircase that lead onto the porch; my shoes making a slight 'click, clack' noise on the wood. One step. Two steps. Three steps. Four. The door had opened before I had even got onto the last step; immediately making my nerves heighten. I was determined not to show that I was scared of Lucien though. Checking myself over quickly - not that I really had to - I looked down to my shoes, expecting to hear the old fashioned voice of Lucien.

"Hello. And who are you?" A young voice asked, his voice laced with vanity and a hint of annoyance.

That wasn't the old-fashioned, sarcastic, devious voice that I was used to. That wasn't Lucien. I looked up to the person (or whatever supernatural creature they were). "And I should be asking you the same question. Where's Lucien?" The words flowed out of my mouth like a river of confidence.

"He's not home, come back later." The person said in a monotonous voice and tried to close the door in my face. I put my foot in front of it. "What do you want?" That hint of annoyance was turning into more of a

"Who are you? Lucien's never had another male in the house. He's usually exploiting a bunch of females instead." You could tell that the person in front of me was getting more and more annoyed by my words.

"I'm Christian. Lucien's son, which you obviously didn't know." Christian ran his hand through the golden brown quiff on the top of his head and looked at me with his sea blue eyes. He wasn't dressed the way you would expect for how rich he was either. A light grey hoodie with white tassels hanging from where the hood ended covered his chest. A pair of light blue skinny jeans clung to his legs, and a pair of Chuck Taylors were worn on his feet. "And since my dad isn't here, you should be..." Christian added, but he was interrupted by a female voice. Christian rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Christian, who's at the door?" The same voice asked. A woman with long blonde hair walked over to the door. "Christian, let the girl in for Christ sake. Where have your manners gone? It's freezing outside." The woman was wearing casual clothing too, she wore a floral blouse with some navy blue jeans and a pair of flats. A grey dishcloth was hanging out of her jean pocket (I guess she must have been cleaning up).

"Lily, my father is only letting you stay here because you said you would keep the house clean. That doesn't mean that you can boss me about and tell me what to do." Before Christian could even finish what he was saying, Lily had grabbed my hand, pulled me into the house and shut the door behind the three of us. The hallway was amazing. Actually, scratch that; amazing can't even come close to what this one hallway was.

There was at least three metres space between each wall at first. The whole hallway had white walls and skirting boards brown doors. There was a bright green house plant next to the front door; which was about 1 metre high. Next to the house plant was a coat rack which had a winter jacket and scarf hanging off it. A (insert colour here) chest of drawers and shoe cabinet were across from the plant, there were even a few family photos in frames on the wall and on top of the chest of drawers. Just ahead of me, was an extremely wide, white, marble staircase which got smaller until a certain point (until the sides of the staircase were about a metre apart) and a matching white banister for people to hold onto when going up the stairs if necessary.

"Just because I'm only here to clean and for my safety doesn't mean that your manners can go out of the window as soon as your father goes to run some errands. Now give the girl a tour, be polite. Now, I have to finish off cleaning up the living room and the garden." Lily replied to Christian before giving us both one last smile. "Be nice." She added, obviously aimed at the vain, golden haired boy beside me.

Christian let out a frustrated sigh (he seems to do that a lot) before forcing a smile for Lily. Satisfied once Christian smiled back at her, Lily walked back into the living room and continued cleaning. Before I knew it, two masculine hands were on my shoulders, turning me around and practically pushing me out of the door.

"I'm not leaving. I need to talk to Lucien. It's important. Plus, won't Lily notice when she doesn't hear two people walking around the house or when she realises that I left all of a sudden?" I replied, turning to look at Christian and raising an eyebrow.

"Fine. Follow me." I didn't actually think that Christian would end up giving me a tour of the house, but he did. The house – as expected – was beautiful. Christian took me into the living room and the first thing I noticed was a six foot, real, Christmas tree which was heavily decorated with stained-glass baubles, multi coloured lights that flicked on and off. Tinsel was wrapped around the tree, evenly spread apart so that room was left for the obviously-highly-expensive baubles. On top of the tree, was an immaculate, stained glass star; the only thing I was confused about was how on earth they could have gotten the star on top of the three considering the fact neither of them are six foot tall.

"Well, looks like you don't like to spare any money at Christmas." I said as I continued to look around the room. Christian must have ignored my comment as he didn't say anything and just stood there as I looked around the room. It pretty much just looked like your average living room (except 5 times bigger) In front of the tree was a leather white leather loveseat which still looked brand new. Facing the leather loveseat was a matching singular seat, and in the middle was a white coffee table with the odd coaster and cup of half-drunk coffee. Underneath the coffee table was a light brown patterned rug which helped pull the room together since the fireplace on the wall was made out of light brown wood. A few Christmas ornaments were placed on top of the fireplace, okay, so there was two tiny ornaments. But I guess that still counts, right? On the wall there was a 60 inch TV, facing the white loveseat so that whoever was sat there could see the TV easily. My favourite thing in this room though was the massive diamond chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling by a single metal chain. However, before I could even turn to go out of the door, Christian was already walking away and walking over to the next room.

"You could have at least waited." I replied before we walked into the kitchen.

"You could have at least hurried up. Or, you know, just left when I told you my father wasn't home." Christian replied rudely. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Well sorry if me seeing your father is more important than your daily life. I'll be sure to book an appointment next time so I don't interrupt whatever you do." I looked around the kitchen and it looked pretty much like your ordinary kitchen. There was an expensive looking fridge, a stove, a microwave, and a sink. In the middle of the kitchen there was an island with a few stools around it, a fruit bowl (which looked like it had been left for that long that it turned to wax) and a coffee maker. There wasn't really anything different about this room apart from the fact that there was another TV on the wall. How many TV's does one house need?

Christian didn't say anything else. He just lead me through the house until his father got home. The house was beautiful to say the least. It had about five or six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a swimming pool the size of a small car park, they even had fifty acres of untouched land surrounding them. This beautiful house was just missing one thing. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was the same thing that my house seemed to be missing too. There didn't seem to be a lot of pictures. Not like those cheesy quotes that everyone places around their house to make it seem more homely. I mean family pictures; there were no family pictures anywhere. I was quite surprised to be honest considering how vain both Lucien and Christian are.

Christian had actually left me alone in the house after about fifteen minutes. So I just wandered around the house myself until Lucien showed up. Which he did... after about an hour and a half of me wandering around. The house made Christian look like everything he wasn't; beautiful (at least I try to tell myself he's not beautiful), selfless, grateful... anything good really. I actually managed to pick a few things that would go unnoticed on the way. There was a beautiful, empty, probably expensive picture frame that I managed to fit into my bag just before Lucien walked through the door.

RONNIEWhere stories live. Discover now