Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Editor: Terrace Peck

*Anna POV*

'Kissing. I was kissing someone. Passionate, Desperate and full of longing. I could not believe this was happening. The man kissing me had long, rough yet elegant fingers. He was caressing my body and pulling me closer to him. Almost as if he wanted us to be one person. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped his hair gently. This man had strong deadly arms, but I could not see, only feel them pulling me into his body. He also had a scent, the most wonderful and breath taking scent I have ever smelled in my life. It was a mix of mint leaves and wind on a rainy spring day. 'MATE' my wolf Sarafine said. Before I knew it I was saying it too, between our kisses. I waned,no needed to see him. To look at the one person in the world my soul is meant to be with.

But he would not break the kiss. I finally got free and opened my eyes but all I could see was a blinding light, and in the middle of the light were the greenest eyes I have ever seen in my life. Everything else disappeared and there was just me and those beautiful eyes."

"Wake up Anna." The man or the eyes said to me.

"Huh?" I said in a daze from all of the kissing.

Then the eyes darkened to a cold black. The eyes seemed to hold all of the evil in the world, the evil in my world. As the green eyes disappeared so did my mate's scent and was replaced by the smell of fire and wet wood. These eyes belong to the man that I hate most in the world and he hates me just the same. The man that lived in my nightmares.....and now dreams.'

"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE YOU WORTHLESS MUTT !" Alpha Thomas said to me from down stairs.

I shot upright off the floor in the Attic of the 'Night Wind' pack house. I turned and looked at the old alarm clock across from me. The clock was an hour and half fast so I had to do math right when I woke up in the morning. I never have to use the thing because I was always up so early. Not because I was a morning person, because I'm not, but I have to cook breakfast In the pack house. But today was Saturday and there was barely anyone in the pack house, and if there were, they were all hung over. I didn't have to cook on Saturday, it was not like I had the day off there was just more laundry that I had to do. So I got up and put on the one pair of jeans I had and went down stairs to see what I needed to do this morning.

"Yes Alpha." I said in the smallest voice possible. He got up from his chair and walk to me and before I could react he slapped me. For a second I saw stars then my vision came back and I could feel my check start to swell up in an angry red.

"That's for not saying Good Morning to your wonderful Alpha." He said

Alpha Thomas was very tall about six three or six four. He has jet black hair and black eye that are now haunting me in my dreams .

"I'm sorry Alpha Good Morning." I said while holding my throbbing check.

"Good, now I want you to get ready to do the laundry and have it ALL done by Sunday night, the kids need their clothes for school on Monday." He said that last with a roll of his eyes. Alpha Thomas despises kids. He says they're only good for training to be in the army. Some of the younger pack members agreed. The older pack members looked at him in disappointment.

"Yes." I snapped at him getting annoyed with our little conversation and forgetting I was WORTHLESS MUTT as he put it. Before I could react he grabbed my chain with a grip like iron. Roughly he pushed my chin upwards so I was looking him straight in the eye.

"Yes what!" he said gripping my chin even harder if that was possible.

"Yes Alpha I'm sorry for being disrespectful." I said it through the pain of his fingernails biting into my skin.

"Good." He spat and let me go.

I walked away from him and down the hall to the basement. I got down there and started separating the clothes when I heard footsteps. Then I saw two stilettos walking down the steps. It was Mya, a real life witch ! Mya has hated me for as long as I could remember. I hated her just the same. She looks like a Victoria's Secret model. Blonde, big boobs, tall and mean. She was beautiful and ways I could never be, I'm short, 5'3, and I'm flat-chested and a brunette. She was a goddess compare to me, an evil goddess.

"Hey Mutt, How you doing." she giggled.

"I'm fine Mya." I said shortly. I didn't want to talk to her or anyone for that matter, it's not like anyone tried to talk to me.

"I have my dirty clothes here for you to clean." she said

"Okay." In a tone that said I already know that you don't bitch, your carrying a basket full of clothes.

"Don't try to steal them I know you do not have a decent pair of jeans, but don't take mine." she said and threw her dirty clothes all over the floor.


"I don't care just hurry up with my clothes, I'm going out tonight. Not that you would know anything about that because you don't have friends, or had a man not even a homeless person give your pathetic ass a second look. I would be surprise if they would give you a first one." she said giggling like she was the funniest person in the world. I felt my eyes water up and a tear fall out. I silently cursed myself because I hated crying in front of her or anybody.

"Awww it's okay maybe your mate will love you." She said poking her lip out and talking to me like I was a wounded animal, and I kind of was. Then she stopped pouting and started laughing uncontrollably.

"Who am I kidding, your mate would reject you faster than a New York minute!" She left the room cackling like the witch she was.

"I hate her!" I spat through my tears.

"Don't say that Anna, and do not listen to her, she's trying to provoke you. You're better then her and don't let her make you think you're not." My wolf Sarafine said.

"She is Sarafine and you know it." I said.

"I know that she is a hateful bitch and that you're one of the kindest, prettiest girls out there and our mate will love us."

"No he will not and it's because of me I am so sorry you had to be bonded to a mutt like me, you're a wonderful wolf and I am sorry I'm holding you back." I chocked and tears keep coming out.

"Don't say that Annabelle!" Sarafine said. She was getting angry with me because she said my full name and she never did that.

"I'm sorry." I said suddenly feeling exhausted. I finished half of the laundry and I would do the rest tomorrow, I just want to crawl in a ball and sleep....and not wake up. You would think after all these years of abuse I would get use to it but it just gets harder. I finished folding the laundry and went upstairs to the attic. I layed down on the sheets on the floor, I had no bed and hadn't had one in years, and I cried myself to sleep dreading having to wake up tomorrow.

Hay guys tell me what you think, and if I should keep going.


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