Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Anna POV*

Flying through the air wasn't what surprised me the most. I kind of expected that I was going to get into fights and be hurt, possibly killed. But to tell you the truth, I didn't expect any of that stuff to happen so soon. The thing I'm actually surprised about is that my ass is heading straight for a tree and I can't do a thing about it. Usually someone would put there hands out to stop the impact a little bit, but my hands aren't working. Nor are my legs or arms, I can't even move my head!

Nothing happened.

Just before I was about to hit the tree I closed my eyes to wait for my body to hit and feel the excruciating pain, and I don't feel anything. Well I don't feel the tree but I feel something, arms. I open my eyes just as the man set me down and then he stood right in front of me blocking my attacker.

"Don't worry Luna, I'll protect you. I'll handle this asshole before Alpha gets here." He said his back to me.

Then he attacked.

The two people were throwing punch after punch and the guy who saved me is really kicking some ass!

Then what the guy said actually kicked in. Luna? Who was he talking about? Me! I try to turn my head to see if there was someone else but no one there. Instead I got a face full of blood, my own blood. I try to lift my hand to wipe some of it off and my hand was almost completely red. I didn't know that I had this much blood inside of me, it's everywhere.

My eyes are starting to get really heavy. The fight that is happening near me is a blur. There about five people fighting now and the guy is almost dead, I don't remember them coming though I might just be seeing things. Then I have the urge to just close my eyes.

Is this really it? I let out a stream of tears.

This can't be how it ends. Freedom and all the possibility, running, traveling all gone, by someone I couldn't even see.

"Sarafine I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I say to her and the tears come out even harder.

"It's ok Annabelle." She says in a soothing tone.

"No it's not ok Sarafine, none of what I've put you through is ok! Maybe if I hadn't been so scared to leave none of this would have happened. Maybe all those people in the pack were right about me. I will never be able to make this right Sarafine, and I'm so sorry." At this point it feels like a waterfall is coming out of my eyes. But then I see something, two little green thing. They are eyes, green eyes, and there the same ones from my dream. They take a long look at my face then move to my body and all the damage.

For some reason I can feel them moving down my arms and leg, then I realize it's a hand. Instantly I feel tingles all over my body. I heard about something that, the feeling, it only happens when your mate touches you.

Then I could hear someone say something. It sounds so far away but I could tell but the heat in my near it was close, I still couldn't make it out so I stop trying.

I lifted my gaze back to the eyes but they were not just looking at me, I could tell there was fear in them. I try to lift my arm but it wasn't moving, nor were my legs, it was a surprise I could keep my eyes open. But I force them to stay open.

If these beautiful eyes are the last thing I see before I die, then I'm okay with that.

A tear escapes the one of the eyes and they look so sad and broken. I try to speak to them and say it will be ok but the darkness sets in and I drift away.

Hay Guys!! I bet you were not expecting me so soon 😏 . Well I was working on this chapter when I was working on the last one. So here you go! Like, comment and all that good stuff and I'll update soon. and thanks for almost 800 views this really means a lot to me.


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