Queen Katie

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And her world came crashing down once again.
It seemed as if all she knew was loss, pain and never any type of gain. Two steps forward, three steps back.

She couldn't catch a break.

The young beauty stared at her reflection, struggling to remember the tips she'd been given from her therapy sessions years ago, not knowing whether to cry or to remain emotionless. Stoic. She chose the latter. Her emotions could wait, people were relying on her. She was Katie Darlington after all, emotion wasn't her thing, especially after all those years ago. Her hands shook as she smoothed down her dress, hands trembling as she attempted to steady her breathing.

It wasn't meant to be like this.

Katie sat at the front of the church, head bowed as she tried to memorise her speech she'd prepared. She refused to behave the way she did when her father died, otherwise her mother would kill her. She had to show strength. Power. This wasn't a setback, nor would it be a distraction. But Katie couldn't help but feel nothing but a sharp stabbing pain in her heart as she realised there was no coming back from this. There was no resolution, no second chance.

Because no one gets a second chance at death.

No one.

It was her turn now. Her turn to speak. Her mind raced with a million thoughts as she stood at the podium, eyes covered with black shades in case she lost composure. Her eyes scoured the church, landing on a few familiar faces, her eyes stopping at The Elite, who nodded, indicating for her to begin. She cleared her throat, her grip on the sides of the podium tightening as she struggled to find her voice. "Um... hi," she laughed nervously, "I never would've expected to be back so soon. I seriously thought once I left for New York that would be it. Kingston would never see me again. But here we are, gathered today because of someone so special.. I'm going to keep this short and sweet since everyone's said what's needed to be said and that is how great, the person we have lost is,"

"Excuse me for not referring to them, it's easier for me to process this if I don't believe it's real. However it is. And I just wish I got to say I love you. Just one. Last. Time. But I know they're listening to me, from up there," she pointed upwards, "I love you. With all my heart and soul. Rest in perfect peace,"

Katie smiled as the wind blew in her hair, her and her mother's favourite song blasting from the radio. Her mum had called her over to test drive the new convertible she had bought, it had been a while since they'd spent some time together and Veronica reckoned this would be the perfect time to break the news.

But there was no way she was going to do it sober.

The multiple glasses of martinis invaded her system as she drove through the empty motorway near her estate. The only way in which she could get Katie to visit is if it wasn't in Kingston, she knew her daughter hated that venomous place and wouldn't force her to go there if she didn't feel comfortable to. And she was also buttering her up since she knew the news she'd deliver to Katie would make her act out and didn't want the residents of Kingston to witness it.

"You said you had something to tell me old woman, what is it?" Katie sighed, turning down the radio as she watched her mother barely be able to control the car, tightening her seatbelt. Her mother never was a good driver, and the alcohol stench she was emitting indicated she wasn't even in the right state to be driving. "Before you say anything pull over, I'm driving us back,"

"No, I'm fine, it's my car so I'll drive. And who you calling old woman, I don't look a day over 30," her mother joked, running a hand through her hair. "Besides I don't want you to drive whilst angry it never ends well,"

"What do you mean drive whilst angry, I'm not even mad-"

"You're about to be,"

"Mum what have you done?"

"I'm arranging something for you. Something you would never agree to but me and your father did when you were 15,"

"What is it?"

Her mother's heart raced as she sped up the car, the tension in the car was driving her mad. "We did this for your own good Katie, think about that before you kick off,"

"Mum I don't even know what you're talking about," Veronica turned to face her daughter, the epitome of beautiful in her eyes. She couldn't believe how far she'd come and how much further she'd go. Her heart just wasn't ready for her to hate her again.

And just as she was about to tell her the truth, Katie Darlington truly learnt the importance of keeping your eyes on the road. Because if Veronica Darlington did, maybe, just maybe she wouldn't have died the painful death she did.

"We will miss you forever. Mum," Katie sighed, walking away from the podium before the members of the church could notice the tears threatening to roll down her cheeks.

As if her father wasn't enough.

But before she could leave the church she stopped beside the bottle blonde who had sat at the back throughout the whole service, sporting a cheap black outdated skater skirt and black jumper. She looked terrible. Katie would've dressed in the same manner if it wasn't for the fact that she was now a fashion icon and had to look completely stylish at all times. Her recent mood had her dressing in the most terrible fashion.

She crossed her arms and stared into the woman's eyes, waiting for her to say something. Katie wasn't stupid. She had been expecting her arrival for the past seven years and wasn't shocked this was the place she decided to make her debut.

"If you think trying to spook me at my mothers funeral was going to shake me, you need to do better. This attempt was pathetic and disrespectful to say the least," she scoffed at the woman's silly disguise.

"Meet me in my office tomorrow at 11. And bring him too..." she removed her sunglasses and paused to look her up and down, "It's good to have you back Phoebe,"

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