Chapter 21

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"Let's do this more often" Bambam said dreamily as his side was pressed against Yugyeom's, both lying on the grass.

"Lie down? Because I'm totally down for that, literally"

Bambam shoved the other, "No you walnut. I mean this, together, just the two of us"

A small smile formed on Yugyeom's lips, he was glad it was already dark outside or else he was sure Bambam would see the light blush on his cheeks. The only thing that provided any source of light in that moment were the stars and the moon.

"I'd really like that"

Bambam snuggled closer to Yugyeom till his head was lying on the younger's chest.

"I'm sorry for slapping you earlier today though. I shouldn't have done that," He reached his hand up to softly touch Yugyeom's cheek and quickly withdrew it when the other sharply inhaled.

"Don't be sorry, I had it coming"

"Still, I shouldn't have harmed that pretty face of yours"

Yugyeom chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around Bambam, managing to pull him even closer than they already were. "So you think I'm pretty?"

"The prettiest"

The two fell into a comfortable silence and Yugyeom's heart skipped a beat whenever Bambam clutched to his shirt tighter. He loved the feeling of holding the other like this. He loved being the one making Bambam feel secure.

The silence lasted at least until Bambam's stomach grumbled and he stiffened at the sound.

"Are you already hungry again?"

Bambam hesitated a second. "No"

Another grumble and the other tried to cough so it wouldn't be as audible.

"Okay, maybe"

"Alright," Yugyeom wriggled around underneath Bambam, "Get off"

"What? No, why?" Bambam pouted, "It's too comfy"

"But my angel is hungry and I think I still have some pudding in the treehouse"

Bambam moved so fast Yugyeom needed a second to process that there wasn't someone snuggling him anymore.

"But be quick"

Yugyeom stood up extremely slowly just to tease Bambam but took pity on him when his stomach grumbled once again. He was glad that the moon light was bright enough for him to see the ladder that reached up to the treehouse and began to climb.

Bambam was sitting cross-legged on the grass and waited patiently for his boyfriend to return. He could see Yugyeom's dark figure getting inside and soon enough out again. He watched how he carefully climbed down only to miss the last step and losing his grip on the ladder.

He fell down on the ground with a dull noise and groaned. Bambam immediately jumped up and ran over to him.

"Yugie, yugs, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" He asked worriedly as he kneeled down.

"It's all good but most importantly is, do you see the pudding lying anywhere?" Yugyeom sat up and patted the ground in search of the pudding all while Bambam watched him in disbelief.

"You just fell down and all you're worried about is the pudding?"

Yugyeom waved him off, "I just missed one tiny step and I'm all good"

Bambam still wasn't completely convinced but still helped Yugyeom find the pudding. The younger yelled loudly when he found the pudding packs a good distance away from them.

"It wanted to run away and hide but the pudding can't escape us"

"What will you do about it?"

"Kill it"


"I mean, eat it"

Bambam laughed and Yugyeom felt a warmth spreading in his chest at the sound.

Yugyeom plopped down next to Bambam who had already sat down before and handed him one pack of pudding.

"Do you have a spoon too?"

"Oh yes" He reached into the pockets of his jeans and pulled out two spoons, giving Bambam one.

They started eating quietly, Bambam humming in content from time to time and Yugyeom was the first to break the silence.

"I never thought I'd sit outside in the middle of the night eating pudding with the person that means the most to me," He said without thinking about it. He looked up but couldn't see Bambam's expression well.

"I'm so-," He broke off, realizing that he just wanted to apologize, "You know what? I won't take that back, I mean it. You're so important to me Bammie, it scares me sometimes"

The other was taken aback by the words. He swallowed and put his empty pudding down but didn't say anything.

That's when Yugyeom started to panic slightly. Why was Bambam so silent? Did he make him uncomfortable?

His thoughts were interrupted when Bambam cupped his face in his hands and locked their lips. Yugyeom was too caught off guard to react at first but leaned into the kiss in a matter of some seconds.

The older broke apart way too soon for Yugyeom's liking but he didn't remove his hands. Bambam's thumb was now tracing the line of Yugyeom's cheekbones and the other closed his eyes, feeling completely at ease.

"Yugyeom, I think I'm falling for you and I don't think I can stop it"

His eyes fluttered open at that. "Then don't" He mumbled and reached to hold Bambam by his waist, pulling him on his lap before kissing him again.

At the end Bambam was still sitting on his lap, soft breaths leaving his mouth as he slept peacefully. Yugyeom hugged him closely to his chest, still wide awake in the middle of the night but he couldn't sleep. Thoughts about Bambam wouldn't leave his mind. Not the ones that made his heart heavy and made him worry, no, that's wasn't why he couldn't sleep. It was because he felt the excitement rush through his body at the mere thought of being able to spend as much time with Bambam as he could.

That he hadn't lost Bambam.

Eventually his eyes felt heavier too, just when the sun started to raise on the horizon again.

When Bambam woke up because of the first rays of sunlight that hit him he needed a moment to remember why he wasn't sleeping in a bed but more or less on Yugyeom.

His still sleeping boyfriend looked so peaceful that he didn't have the heart to wake him up. Bambam found that he didn't want to wake him up. Instead he wrapped his arms around him again and closed his eyes, figuring that some more sleep wouldn't hurt.


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Have a great week, I love you all<33

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