lover unbound

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Chapter  Twenty-four When John woke  up, the first thought  that went through his  mind was that  he  wanted  a hot-fudge  sundae  with bacon bits on top. Which was just nasty, really. Except, damn… chocolate and bacon  would be  heaven right about now. He  opened his  eyes and  was relieved to be staring at the  familiar  ceiling  of  the room he slept in, but he was confused as to what had happened.  It  was something  traumatic. Something  momentous. But what? He  lifted his  hand up to  rub his eyes… and stopped breathing. The  thing  that was attached to his arm washuge  .  A giant's palm. He  raised his head and looked down his body  or… someone's body.  Had  he  been  a  head donor  sometime during  the  day?  'Cause  sure  as hell  his brain hadn't been plugged into the likes of this  before. The  transition. "How  you  feel, John?" He  glanced toward Wrath's voice. The  king  and  Beth were  by  the  bed, looking  utterly exhausted. He  had to concentrate  to make  his hands form the  words,Did I  make  it  through  ? "Yeah. Yeah, son,  you did."  Wrath cleared his  throat, and Beth stroked his  tattooed forearm as if she  knew he  was struggling  with emotion. "Congratulations." John blinked quick, his chest constricting.Am I  still… me  ? "Yes.  Always." "Shall  I  go?"  a  female  voice  said. John turned his  head.  Layla  was standing  in a dim corner, her perfectly  beautiful face and her perfectly  beautiful body  in the  shadows. Instant. Hard-on. Like someone  injected steel into his cock. He  fumbled to make  sure  he  was  covered up, and  thanked God when there  was a blanket already  over him. As he  settled back on the pillow,  Wrath was talking, but John's sole focus was throb between  his legs… and the  female  across the room. "It would be my  pleasure  to stay,"  Layla  said with a  deep bow. Staying  was  good, John thought. Her staying  was… Wait, thehell  it  was good. He  wasn't  going  to have  sex  with her, for  God's  sake. She  stepped forward, into the pool of  illumination  thrown by  the  lamp on the bedside table. Her skin was white  as moonlight, smooth as a  satin sheet.  It would be  soft, too… under his hands, under his mouth… under  his body.  Abruptly  John's upper  jaw  tingled on both sides, right in front,  then something  protruded into his  mouth. A quick  stroke  of his tongue  and he  felt  the sharp points of his fangs. Sex  roared through his  body  until he had  to look away  from her. Wrath chuckled a  little,  as if he  knew  what John was all about.  "We'll  leave  you two. John, we're  right down the  hall  if  you need  anything." Beth leaned down and barely  brushed  his hand with hers, as if she  knew exactly  how sensitive his skin was. "I'm so  proud of  you." As their eyes met, what came to him  was,And I  of  you  . Which made  absolutely  no sense. So he  signed in  a  sloppy  way,Thank  you  , instead. They  were  gone  a  moment later, the door  shutting him  and  Layla  in together. Oh, this was not  good.  He  felt  he  was on a  bucking  bronco, for  all  the control he had over his body. As it  wasn't safe  to look  at the  Chosen, he  glanced over to the  bathroom. Through the jambs, he  saw  the marble  shower and  got a serious  case  of the  Joneses. "Would  you care  to wash,  your  grace?"  Layla  said. "Shall  I  run the water  for  you?" He  nodded to  get her busy  with something  while  he  tried  to figure  out what to do with himself. Take  her. Fuck  her. Have  her twelve  different ways. Okay,  yeah, that was not  what he should be doing. The  shower  came on  and  Layla  came  back,  and before  he  knew  what was  doing, the blanket came off  his body.  His hands shot  up to cover himself, but her  eyes got to his erection first. "May  I  help  you into the bath?"  Her voice  was husky, and she  stared  at his hips as if  she approved. Which inflated that huge  weight under his palms even more. "Your  grace?" Just how was he supposed to sign in this condition? Whatever. She  wouldn't  understand him  anyway. John shook his head, then sat up, keeping  one  hand on himself and planting the  other  on the mattress for  stability.  Shit, he  felt  like  a  table  whose  screws had all  been loosened, his constituent parts not  fitting  together well  anymore. And the  trip into the  bathroom seemed like  an obstacle course, even though there  was nothing  in his way. At least he wasn't solely  focused  on  Layla  anymore. Keeping  himself cupped, he  stood  and wobbled into the  bathroom, trying  not to think about how he  was mooning  Layla. While  he  went  along, images of newborn foals played through his  head, particularly  the  ones where  their  spindly  legs bent like wires as they struggled to keep off  the  ground.  He  so  got that.  It  seemed like at any  moment his knees were  going  to take  a  vacation and he  was  going  to yard-sale like  an idiot. Right. He  was in the  bathroom.Good job  . Now if he  could just keep from hitting  the bald marble. Although, God,  getting  clean would be  worth the  contusions. Except even the shower he  wanted so badly  was trouble. Stepping  under the  warm, gentle  spray  was like  getting  lashed with a whip,  and he jumped back—only  to catch  Layla  disrobing  out of the  corner of  his eye. Holy  Christ… She  was beautiful. As she  joined him  he  was speechless, and not because he  had  no voice  box. Her breasts were  full, the  rosy  nipples tight in the midst of their lush weight. Her waist  looked small enough  for  him  to circle it with his  hands. Her hips were  a  perfect balance  to her  narrow shoulders. And her sex… her sex  was bare  to his  eyes, the skin smooth and  hairless, the little slit  made  up of  two folds he  was desperate  to part. He  clamped both of his  hands to himself, as if his  cock were  liable to leap  right off  his pelvic  girdle. "May  I  wash  you,  your  grace?"  she said as steam  swirled between them like  fine cloth in a  soft breeze. The  arousal behind his hands jerked. "Your  grace?" His head nodded. His body  throbbed. He  thought  of  Qhuinn talking  about  what he'd done with the  female  he'd had.Oh, Jesus .  . . And now  it  was happening  to John. She  picked up the soap and massaged it  between  her palms, rolling  the bar  around  and around, suds foaming  up  white and dripping  onto the  tile. He  imagined his cock in between her hands  and had to breathe through his  mouth. Look  at her  breasts sway, he  thought as he  licked  his lips. He  wondered if  she'd let him kiss  her there. What would she taste like?  Would  she let him go between her— His cock jumped, and he  let out a plaintive moan. Layla  put the  soap  back  in the  little dish on the  marble  wall.  "I'll  be  gentle,  as  you  are sensitive now." He  swallowed hard and  prayed he  didn't lose  control as her frothy  hands came toward him  and settled on his shoulders. Unfortunately  the  anticipation was far more  enjoyable than the  reality. Her  light  touch like sandpaper on  a  sunburn… and  yet he  craved the contact. Craved her. With the smell of French-milled soap  wafting  up in the  moist, hot air,  her palms traveled down his  arms, then back up  and over his now tremendous  chest. Suds ran past his  belly  and onto his hand, threading  between his  fingers before  dripping  off  his sex in soft clumps. He  stared into her face  as she lingered on his  chest, finding  it  beyond erotic  that her pale green eyes roamed over  his new, big  body. She  was hungry, he  thought. Hungry  for  what he  was holding  in his hands.  Hungry  for what he wanted to give  her. She  took the  soap  out of the  dish  again and knelt  before  him, knees on the  marble. Her hair was still up in its chignon, and he  wanted to take  it  down, wanted  to see  what it looked like wet and plastered to her breasts. As she  put her  hands on  his lower leg  and started  north, her eyes lifted up.  In  a  flash he saw her  giving  him  head,  his erection stretching  her mouth wide, her  cheeks sucking  in and out as she  worked him. John moaned and swayed, bumping  his shoulder. "Drop  your arms,  your  grace." Even though he  was terrified  of  what was  going  to happen next, he wanted  to obey  her. Except what if he  made  a  fool out  of himself?  What if he  came  all  over her  face  because he  couldn't hold back?  What if— "Your  grace, drop  your  arms." He  slowly  let his hands fall  away  from himself, and his  arousal jutted straight out  of his hips,  not so  much defying  gravity  as being  totally  outside  of its reach. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus…  Her hand  was lifting  up toward— The  instant she touched  his cock, the erection deflated: From out of nowhere  he  saw himself in a  grungy  stairwell. Held at knifepoint.  Violated while he  cried silently. John jerked away  from her hold and stumbled out of the  shower, his wet feet and his loose knees making  him  slip on the floor. To keep  from falling  over, he  ass-planted it  on the toilet. Not dignified. Not manly.  How  fucking  typical.  He  was finally  in a big  body, but he was no more  a  male  than  when he'd been in a little  one. The  water shut off and he  heard  Layla  covering  herself with a towel. Her voice  quavered. "Would  you like  me to  go?" He  nodded, too ashamed  to even look at her. When he  glanced up much later, he  was alone  in the  bathroom. Alone  and  cold, the  heat of  the shower lost, all that glorious steam  gone  as if it  had never been. His first time  with a female… and he'd lost  his erection. God, he  wanted to throw  up. V broke  Jane's skin with his fangs, penetrating  her throat, tapping  into her  vein, latching on with his lips. As she  was human, the rush of power at the  drinking  came  not from the composition of her blood, but the  fact that it was her. Her taste was  what he  was after. Her taste…  and his  consumption of a  piece  of her. When she  cried out, he knew it wasn't from pain.  Her body  was lush with her  arousal, and that scent  got even stronger as he  took what he  wanted from her, took  her sex  with his cock, took her  blood  with his mouth. "Come with me,"  he  said hoarsely, releasing  her  throat and letting  her prop herself up against  the sink again.  "Come… with… me." "Oh,God  …" V locked into her hips as  he  started to orgasm,  and she  went over  the  edge  with him, her body  sucking  on his  erection just as he  had worked  at her  neck. The  exchange  felt  fair and satisfying; she  was now in him  and he  was in  her.  It was  right.  It  was  good. Mine. After  it  was over, they  were  both breathing  hard. "Are  you all  right?"  he  asked  on a  gasp, very  aware  that the question had never before come out of  his mouth following  sex. When she  didn't reply, he  eased back  from her  a  little. On her pale skin he  could see  the marks he'd left on her, red blushes from his rough  handling. Nearly  everyone  he'd ever fucked had  ended up  with them because he  liked it rough, needed it  rough.  And he'd never been bothered by  what he'd left behind on  other  people's bodies. The  marks bothered him  now. Bothered him  even  more  as he wiped his  hand across his mouth and came away  with a smudge  of her blood. Oh, Jesus… He'd used her too hard.  It had been  way  too hard.  "Jane,  I'm  so—" "Amazing."  She  shook her head, her  cap of blond  hair swinging  at her  cheeks. "That was… amazing." "Are  you sure  I  didn't—" "Just amazing. Although  I'm  afraid to let  go of this sink because  I'll  fall  over." Relief went to his  head,  a  drunken buzz. "I  didn't  want to hurt  you." "You overwhelmed me… but in the way  that if  I had a  good  girlfriend  I  would call  her up and be  like,  'Oh, my  God  I  just  had the sex  of my  life.'  " "Good.  That's…  good."  He  so didn't want to leave  her core,  especially  if she  was talking like  that. But he moved his hips back and slipped his erection free  so she had a  break. From the back she  was exquisite. Temple-pounding  beautiful. Totally  takeable. His arousal beat like a  heart as he pulled his  pajama  bottoms up and stuffed himself into the flannel. V straightened Jane  slowly  and looked at her  face  as it  came up in the mirror. Her eyes were  glassy, her mouth open, her cheeks flushed.  On her neck his  bite  mark was just where  he  wanted it:  right  where  everyone  could see. He  turned her around to face  him  and  ran his  gloved forefinger up her throat, catching the thin trail  of blood from the  punctures. He  licked the black leather  clean, savoring  the taste  of her, wanting  more. "I'm  going  to seal this closed,  okay?" She  nodded, and he  dipped his  head. As he  delicately  ran his  tongue  over the  holes, he closed his eyes and  got lost nuzzling  her. Next time  he  wanted to  go between her legs and tap into the  vein that ran  down the  juncture  of her  hips,  tap into it so he  could alternate between sucking  at her  blood and licking  at her  sex. He  leaned to the  side and turned the shower on,  then stripped off  the button-down shirt she wore. Her breasts  were  covered in white lace,  the pink tips visible  through the lovely pattern. Bending  down, he  suckled one  of her nipples through the  fine  weave  and was rewarded with her  hand easing  into his  hair and  a  moan bubbling  up her throat. He  growled  and slipped  his palm  between her legs. What he'd left behind was on the  inside  of her thighs, and though it  made  him  a  crass bastard, he  wanted it to stay  there. He  wanted to leave  that stuff where  it  was and  put more  inside  of her. Ah,  yes, the instincts of the  bonded male. He  wanted her to wear him like she  did her own skin:  all  over. He  took her  bra  off  her  and eased her into the  shower, holding  her by  the shoulders, getting  her under the  spray.  He  stepped in, his pajama bottoms getting  wet,  his feet feeling  the smooth marble  floor. Sweeping  his hands over her hair and taking  the short blond waves back from her face, he  looked into her eyes. Mine. "I  haven't kissed  you  yet,"  he  said. She  arched  against  him  and used his  chest for balance, just  as he  wanted her to. "Not  on the mouth, no." "May  I?" "Please." Shit, he  was nervous as  he  looked at her  lips. Which was so strange.  He'd  had so much sex  over the  course  of his life, all  different kinds and combinations, but  the prospect of kissing  her properly  wiped all  of  that away: He  was the virgin he'd never been, clueless and weak-kneed. "So are  you  going  to?"  she asked  as he  stalled out. Oh .. .shit  . With a  smile like the  Mona  Lisa's, she put her hands to his  face.  "Come here." She  pulled him  down to her, tilted his  head, and brushed her lips against  his. Vishous's body  shuddered. He  had  felt  power before—his own in his  muscles, his godforsaken mother's in his destiny, his king's in his life, his brothers'  in his job—but he'd never let any  of it overcome  him. Jane  overcame him now.  Held total sway  as she  cradled his face  in her  palms. He  gathered her close and pressed his lips tighter  on hers, the  communion  a  sweetness he never would have  believed he'd want, much less revere. When they  broke  apart, he soaped  up her sleek curves and  rinsed her off. Shampooed her hair. Cleaned between her legs. Handling  her with care  was like  breathing…  an automatic  function of  his body  and brain that he  didn't have  to think about. He  shut  off  the water, toweled her dry, then picked her up and carried her  back to the bed. She  sprawled out on  his black duvet, arms over her head, legs slightly  parted, nothing  but flushed female skin and  muscle. She  stared at him from underneath lowered lids.  "Your  pajamas  are  wet." "Yeah." "You're  hard." "I  am." She  arched on the bed, the  undulation riding  up her torso from her hips to her  breasts. "You  going  to do anything  about it?" He  bared his  fangs and  hissed. "If  you'll  let me." She  moved one  of her legs to the  side, and his  corneas nearly  started bleeding. She  was glistening  at her  core,  and not from the  shower. "Does this look  like  a  no  to  you?"  she said. He  ripped off his bottoms and was on her in a  heartbeat, kissing  her deep and long, lifting  his hips, positioning  himself, sinking  in. She  was so much better like  this, in reality, not  a  dream state.  As she  came  for  him  once, twice… more… his  heart broke. For  the first time he  was  having  sex  with someone  he  loved. He  felt  a  momentary  blind panic at his exposure. How  the fuck had this happened? But, then, this was his last—well, only—shot  at the  love thing, wasn't it. And she  wasn't going  to remember a  thing, so it was safe: Her heart wasn't going  to be broken at the  end. Plus…  well, her lack of  memory  made  it  safe  for  him, too, didn't it. Kind of like  that night he and Wrath had  gotten shit-faced  and V had talked about his mother. The  less people knew about him, the  better. Except damn, why  the hell  did the  thought of cleaning  out Jane's mind make  his chest hurt? God, she  was  going  so soon.

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