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I can't move anything, its like I'm trapped. I hear a heartbeat, it doesn't want to stop. I now hear someone typing something and some other noises but I don't know what they are or what it is. I hear a womans voice say
"Are we ready to begin."
Begin, begin what. It was soon followed by a mans voice who said
"Almost I need to calibrate."
Calibrate. Calibrate what?
Then come a deathanimg tone through the speakers. I hear more typing amd then a mans voice, I think it was the same person as earlier' say
"Ok calibrated."
Again what does he mean by calibrating. I feal like I'm beeing lifted when a womans voice says
"Subject is responding normaly"
What or who does she mean by subject. Am I a thing or a person.
The man again says
"Ok. Lets begin."
Begin what! I haven't even opened my eyes and I already feel like I'm a test subject and that loads of people are stairing at me.
I hear another mans voice, not the same as before, say
"Machine start"
Machine! What machine. Before I could think of anything else another voice said
"Initiating signal"
But it got a bit lost ever the amount of noise being produced by this machine. The sounds kept going. It was like it was never going to end. A voice interupted that by saying
"Signal is stable"
"Subject is ready" the womans voice said
Does that mean I can wake up soon.
There was somemore noise then one that sounded like a lazer beam. One of the men said
"Subject is awake. Now is good."
I have been awake all this time. I have heard your convosation. Someone I don't know who gave me a name, not just subject
"Cassandra. Can you hear me?" He asked
"Yes" I replied. Cassandra. Sounds nice, sweet and inocent but different.
"Are you ready to begin." He asked.
Begin. Begin what.
My eyes snapped open when I said
"Yes. I'm ready." it was like I had no choice.
I blacked out. I couldnt move. I had only just woken up to be put back to sleep. I feel helpless. All they need me for is for this experament.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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