Anxiety/Fear of Dying

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 Anxiety is a real disorder.

 Never let anyone tell you that its a feeling, and that you can just make it go away. Its similar to grief, but grief borderlines on a feeling and a symptom.

 Anxiety comes at different times for different people. Some people experience their anxiety when they are in a room that is too small, or maybe it has too many people. Maybe there is too much going on. Maybe you get anxiety for the opposite reason, because you're alone.

 One of the worst kind of anxieties that are out there and that I can relate to, is the anxiety you get when your mind is left to wander. Things like your fears, if you are left alone in the silence for too long, your mind begins to dwell on situations and happenings that are your worst fears. You begin to picture that its happening.

 Anxiety amplifies these fears. For example, I will give you a personal experience that I know a lot of people have also been affected by.

 Death. I used to be terrified of dying. When I would lay down at night, my mind would start travelling my thinking paths. Eventually, it would reach the idea and fact that I am going to die someday. I knew it was going to happen somehow. That was absolutely terrifying.

 My anxiety would blow the situation up. It would make me think about things like what happened to me after death, what does it feel like to die, what if I die soon.

 I would end up hyperventilating and sweating, because the thought about inevitable death swarmed my head and no other thoughts were as powerful to drown them out.

 If you experience something like this, you're so not alone.

 I personally would do things like watch TV or youtube videos to distract myself. But this is not a permanent fix. This is something to help you in the moment. If you continue to rely on this kind of distraction, your anxiety will get worse. You have to face what makes you scared or nervous.

 The worst thing you can do is keep trying to think about it.

 With myself, I came to a solution. Death is inevitable. But it is a part of life. And it is so far away from now! I have my whole life to live before the end comes. By the time the end comes, I will be happy with my life and accomplishments.

 You can NOT live if you are always afraid of death.

 If you begin to suffer from anxiety, whatever your fear or problem may be, you have to try and remember that you are in control. Block everything out, but only for a second. You have to come back to reality as soon as you can, because reality is there waiting for you.

 I know when you get anxiety it feels like your problems stretch before you. Your head spins a bit and you either want to crawl up and block everything out, or you want to explode into a far away location. If it has to do with your thoughts, then you probably feel like your trapped. How do you get away from your own head, right?





You are ALWAYS in control of yourself.

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