No regrets.

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After awhlie Jon was able to walk, so he head home. Don was about to leave when he got thrown to the wall. "Where are you going?!" Ashlie said pinning he to the wall. "Uh- home?" Ashlie calmed herself, letting Don go, "R-Right.. Your home..O-Okay bye I guess." Don couldn't help but to feel a little bad. "I would call this a 'see you later' I can always come back." Ashlie jumped up in excitement, "Really?! Even if UNi is here?!" Don nodded leaving, and closed the door behind him.

Ashlie was still jumpy. "Ashlie? You okay? You seem happy... er"Cory commented walking near her. Ashlie pushed him to the ground, " Of course I dont like him! He's a doppelganger! I'm not allowed to!" Yep. Ashlie liked Don. (Fiiigghhhhtttt mmmmeee I shipp ittt ( ̄っ ̄)ムゥ ) She couldn't do anything. She was lovestruck. Cory now knew it too. Later knocking was heard, "Don?!" Ashlie screamed jumped off the couch. "NOPE. JON." Can be heard behind the door, Ashlie sighed and opened it. Jon then ran to his room. I see he hasn't changed... Ashlie thought.


"UNi when are we going home?" Nick asks obviously wanting to leave. UNi was about to speak but Dawn spoke first "Uhh- UNi look at the most recent letter from Jon.." UNi and Nick both read it, "No, how could he know?" UNi wondered aloud. "Wait you guys knew we had doppelgangers?" Nick asked, Dawn continued going through the paper ignoring Nicks question. "Hey, another from Ashlie.. Doppelgangers... But only one?" Dawn passed the paper around, "Seriously? Whose Don..?" Nick asked reading Ashlie's letter , UNi sighed now he had to explain it all to him..

~-*Back to the doppelgangers~-*

"Whaddup bitches, I'm back." Don rudely comes in. Dashlie gagged, "Bring Jon back before I die from the hideous clone before my eyes." Don rolled his eyes. Dommy came in, "Honestly why couldn't you stay over there, and Jon stayed here? He's great, He can cook, He can shut DUNi the fuck up-" DUNi came in "I CAN HEAR YOU!!... Anyways welcome back Don."

Don headed towards his room, "I'm going back tomorrow at least some people respect me there." Dashlie laughed, "HA! Like who?!" Don growled "Shut the fuck up before I rip out your vocal cords.." Dashlie screeched "I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" Don reached towards his sword, to realize it's not there. Huh. Must've left it with Ashlie. The name Ashlie echoed in his head. He got to his room and locked the door. "What the fuck Don? Why does her name make you fel...weird?"( -w-) Dashlie kicked Don's door down. "Who is it?! Who do you like?!" Don growled "Fuck off Dash."

*-~To the others! *-~

"Ashlie is something wrong you haven't yelled at me yet?" Jon joked poking Ashlie. She just giggled, she was daydreaming at the moment. "Ashlie?" Jon asked again poking her.  She giggled again,  not paying attention. "Shelby can you yell Ashlie's name for me?" Shelby looked up from her book, "Uhh okay," She took a deep breath "ASSSHHLLLIIEE!" Ashlie jumped up! "W-What do you need?" Jon poked her cheek "Spill the beans Atlie. Somethings wrong."

Ashlie took a deep breath, "ookaysoireallylikedonbutidontthinkhelikesmeandifhedoesnti'llbeheartbrokenbutifUNifindsouthe'llneverletusbetogethersoihavenoideawhattodobuthesreallycutepleasehelpmegettogetherwithhim!!!!" Jon shaked Ashlie. "ATLIE. ENGLISH. I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE!!" Ashlie smirked "Anata wa sō shinai Jonasan? Watashi wa ichinichijū ko no yō ni hanasu koto ga dekimasu!" (Do you Jonathan? I can talk like this all day!) Jon glared a her, "no, I don't and I can't unfortunately." Shelby raised her head to speak but then lowered it back down again. "What were you going to say?" Ashlie says with a slight glare at her. "N-Nothing.."

God. love. something I don't have. Woop. Woop. 635 words.

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