Chapter 6

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AnthonyKesterson gave me the idea for this story.


***Charpter 6***

We have been in the car for about thirty minutes and it has been a very interesting ride; Anna has been stabbing Jake in the back of the head for the whole ride and each time he turns around she folds her hand in her lap and looks out the window, pretending to be spaced out while Andy keeps stabbing my sides with his bony fingers and each time he did I spazzed and elbow him hard because it's an instant reaction. I also keep stabbing Ashley with a marker I found and each time he turns around I point at Jake, he really thought it was Jake. Jinxx knew it was not Jake and laughed everytime; he still hadn't ratted me out yet. Christian keeps poking Anna and Amy and they smack him hard each time in return. Christian also kept tickling Sharon and she kept freaking out. These guys were gonna be all bruised  by how much they have been hit this past half hour.

After about ten more minutes we pulled up to a very big building. I looked around and saw a sign saying something about an indoor stadium. So I'm guessing they are having a concert here. Just as I thought that, Andy said, "We're playing here tomorrow night and we decided to bring you guys to the sound check." Anna, Amy, Sharon, and I looked at each other and slightly nodded our heads, we knew what to do. We looked back a the guys and they looked kind of scared. Then we put our best sad faces on an said simultaneously, "We don't have tickets to go. How will we be able to come?" (We are still in the Hummer, if you were wondering), Jinxx knew what we were up to and he shook his head and pulled out six front row VIP tickets and back stage passes. We all looked at them and squealed very loudly causing the guys to cover their ears and cringe. "Stop!! Please!! You're going to kill my ears!!" Ashley attempted yelling to yell over us. (We are no longer squealing), "You play on stage with blasting music and insanely loud screaming fans and WE are going to kill your ears? Sure." Sharon said. "Oohh, burn!!" Christian yelled. We all laughed, well, except Ashley. I then noticed Jinxx had the keys in his hand and I quickly grabbed them and jumped out of the car and locked all the doors. And for some reason the Hummer only unlocks from the clicker, which I had in my hands. They all looked at my hand which was holding the keys and started banging on the windows and yelling at me to bring back the keys. I walked about five feet from the car and sat in the grass. I was amused because while they were doing that, I unlocked the car and they didn't notice. I saw a nearby Monster vending machine and put in a dollar and got a Lemonade & Tea Rehab and walked back over to the Hummer. I shook my head at them and laughed. I finished my Monster, which took three minutes to drink, and opened the drivers door. "You guys are so stupid." They then figured out what I was talking about and jumped out of the car and started chasing me.

I then thought I should trick them again. I pretended to stumble and fall then I started holding my knee while fake crying.( See, I had dislocated my kneecap earlier this year and I like to pull the 'I am hurt' card. It's fun to mess with people.) Christina was the first one to my side then everyone else showed up. "Are you ok?" Jake asked and kneeled down beside me. Concern was written over every ones face. "N-n-no, I don't think so." I replied. "What did you do this time?" Anna asked, she looked at my knee and saw that I was holding it and then she knew what happened. She knows I pull the 'I am hurt' card a lot so she knelt down beside me and whispered, "Did you really or are you just trying to trick them?" I lightly whispered, "Trick." so they wouldn't hear me. She smirked slightly and stood up but replaced the smirk with concern before the guys saw. She looked at Amy and Sharon and shook her head and took out her phone and I'm guessing she texted them telling them I wad faking it to trick the boys. They shook their heads at me and smirked. The boys were too concerned with my "pain" to notice. " What did you do to your knee?" Ashley asked. Amy answered for me, "A few months ago she dislocated her kneecap and she keeps having problems with it, she probably dislocated it again. I'll go get her brace out of her bag." with that she scurried away. I knew she wasn't going to get my brace, I didn't need it. But she might grab my bag cause I like carrying it everywhere with me. I stopped "crying" and looked at all the guys' faces and saw they were seriously concerned, I felt kind of bad now for doing this. Just then I saw Amy walking back with my bag. I sat up and looked at all the boys faces, 'Gosh, why so concerned?' I asked myself. "Ok, guys I didn't really dislocate my knee again. I like to trick people with it though. But, I did kinda hurt it. I think whacked it on the cement." I stood up and looked at the guys faces, it was a mixture of anger and  concern. "Don't do that again!" Andy yelled, "We really thought you had hurt yourself!" "I'm sorry." I said while looking at the ground to avoid their looks and saw my knee, Woah! It was swollen and way bigger that my other knee. I walked, well limped over to a bench that was a couple inches from where I was standing and was going to pull my pant leg up to look at my knee but than I realized I was wearing skinnes. Dang it! I put my head in my hands and sat there. I heard footsteps come over and saw Hello Kitty Vans. I looked up at Sharon, "You okay?" she asked and sat down beside me. "Yeah, I guess, I feel bad for doing that to them." I replied. "It's ok. They are over it." she said. Then I was knocked to my back because five grown men or man-childs had attacked me and were laying on me. They were laughing hysterically and Jake yelled, "Payback!!" "Haha yeah, I do deserve this, but could you guys be awesome and GET OFF!!" I yelled laughing. Once they got off I stood up and smacked each one of them in the gut. I limped slightly over at Amy and she looked at me questioningly and then looked at my knee and cringed. "Give me my bag please." she handed it to me and we walked back over to the guys and Anna and Sharon. "Don't you have a sound check to get to?" I asked. Andy looked at his phone, his eyes widened and yelled, "To the sound check!!" and sprinted inside the building with Jake, Christian, and Jinxx following. Ashley hung back and walked with us inside. When we got to the stage I was about to sit in the seats with Sharon, Anna, and Amy when Ashley grabbed my arm, "You okay? You're limping." he asked, concern filled his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied and walked over to the seats and sat down between Amy and Sharon. 

The sound check went well. The guys goofed around on stage most of the time. Us girls were laughing at them and doing stuff things to get them to laugh. Just as they ended I checked the time to see how long we had left till we had to be home; forty minutes. I then had a good idea. I tapped the girls shoulders and motioned them farther back from the stage. They looked at me confused and I said, "You guys wanna freak the boys out?" Their eyes widened and they smiled. That's a yes. I gave all three girls the guys numbers. Anna's going to text Jake, Amy's gonna text Ashley, and Sharon's gonna text Andy. Oh this was gonna be good!

We went back to the back stage and waited for the boys so we could leave and while doing that Anna, Sharon, and Amy were texting crazy stuff to the boys. Whenever they got a text they looked at it and looked confused. They kept asking each other it they knew the number. They always texted back "Who is this??" but we never caved. Even the whole way back home they did this, but they stopped when we got to town. The boys were still curious as to who was texting them. The seating arrangement on the way home was the same as it was on the way to the stadium. Anna, Amy, Sharon, and I had a long day today and as soon as we got into town we passed out. Every once and a while I felt someone poke me and I swatted at their hand. I started to wake up and I heard the guys talking, they were talking about doing something to us while we slept. I then heard a lid come off a marker and the car was instantly filled with the smell of Sharpie. Oh dear glob don't write or draw anything inappropriate on us! I opened me eyes slightly and saw  that my face was smushed on the window, awesome. I felt something cold touch my arm and instantly grabbed the hand with the marker. I looked up at Jake with a death glare and he looked scared crapless. His facial expression was priceless! "Don't you even dare do that to me again, anyone of you. Understand?" I looked at each guy with a death glare and when I looked back at Christian I saw that Sharon and Anna had gotten the Sharpie treatment before me. Anna had a moustache and a unibrow, and Sharon had a chicken drawn on her foreheadand I also saw a retarted Mickey Mouse on her cheek. 'How come they didn't smell or feel them writing on them?' I thought to myself then remembered they are very heavy sleepers. Amy had her face smushed into Anna's back so that's why I guessed they didn't draw on her. I chuckled as quietly as I could at the drawings on their faces. Didn't work out to well and I woke them up. They looked around sleepily and then Amy saw Sharon's face and burst out laughing and Sharon saw Anna's face and burst out laughing. I noticed I still had the Sharpie in my hand and turned around quickly and drew squiggles all over Andy's face, or as much of it as I could before he took the Sharpie from me and attempted to draw on my face. I moved away and Sharon took it from his hand and marked across Christians forehead and cheek. I took the marker from Sharon and threw it out Jinxx's window, well tried to, it hit him on the top of the head and landed on his lap leaving a nice big, black mark on the top of his thigh. Ashley and Jake laughed at him and he threw it out the window, hitting a guy on a bike in the face and causing him to crash into a few trash cans and end up on top of them. We all stopped laughing and then burst out laughing again. By the time we got to Anna's house, we were sore from laughing so much. Sharon was next to get dropped off, then Amy, and I was last. Before each girl got dropped off they said goodbye and got their tickets and passes.

When I walked in the door my sister ran up to me and instantly bombarded me with questions like, "Where were you?", "Why were you gone so long?", and many more. I sat down on the couch to take off my shoes and then put them by the door. I looked at my mom, "Guess what." I asked overflowing with excitement and smiling like a complete idiot. "What?" she asked. "Sharon, Liliy, Anna, Amy, and I all got VIP tickets and backstage passes to see Black Veil Brides tomorrow!!" I yelled with excitement. My mom smiled at me happily and then it faltered and concern flooded over her face. "Wait, it's just you girls going? No adults?" she asked with great concern in her voice. "No, Rachel is gonna be there too." I said. "Ok, well that's good. I trust Rachel." "OK, well we don't have anything going on tomorrow right?" I asked her. "No, we don't." she replied. " Ok, just wondering." I yawned and said, "Well, I'm really tired. Imma go to sleep. Night, love you." I said and headed upstairs. "I love you too, night honey." When I got to my room I plopped down on my bed not even bothering to change and instantly fell asleep.

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