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As I entered the doors my stomach began to knot and twist. I have entered the place of death where no one survives. Yet I am here.


I have entered this building hundreds of times yet it still makes me sick.

I scan the hallways trying to look for Jordan. I push my way pass the students lingering around in the halls this morning. No one noticed me so I got passed pretty easily besides the fact I had gotten smacked in the face with someone's backpack.

Nothing new here.

It's like I always say, if no one notices you even when u completely change your look and dye your hair hot pink, your basically an extra in highschool movies. No one ever looks at you, pays any attention to you, or cares about your existence in the slightest.

But I don't mind. It makes my job that much easier.

I snake my way through a couple more people and make it to the doors of the library. The tiny bell dinged as I entered alerting the librarian of my presence. Most of the time Jordan's always here with his nose buried in a book.

Haha! Just kidding, he uses the book as a cover up so he can text his little internet boyfriend without being caught.

I walk up to his table quietly making sure not to disturb him just yet. When he still doesn't realize I'm there I smack my hand down on his book hitting his phone.

Jordan jumps out shock and holds his hand over his chest.

-You almost gave me a damn heart attack Julia.

I roll my eyes at his response.

-Then maybe you should focus on what's around you instead of that "book", you might get caught reading something you shouldn't.

I day that last part as I wink at him playfully.

He pushes my pushes making me go backwards a little bit.

Suddenly we here the horrible noise of the school bell telling us to get to class.

-Come one let's get out of here.

I say while grabbing my bag. Jordan just nods his head while shutting his phone off and shoving in his bags side pocket.

~ Time Skip ~

Class was dumb and boring as usual.

I'm telling you my life would be so boring and useless if I didn't have my job. But at least I have Jordan. His life is actually pretty interesting even outside of our job. He's my partner.  He has a boyfriend he met online whom I don't trust.

Even though I have met him I don't care Jordan is my best friend and I will never like anyone he dates cause he is my baby.

But Jordan is smart and knows how to keep his profession a secret, he likes this Simon guy a lot. I even ran a background check on him and he seems pretty chill, but like I said before I don't care I still don't like or trust him.

We had less then ten minutes to get to class so I take a break at my locker. And that's when she walked in.

Authors note-

So I hope this chapter wasn't shitty. If there is anything I need to change, take out, or put in please let me know.
Love to u all.

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