Part 1

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Author's note: heyyy guyss! i would loovve if you checked Adopted by A Spy by Mary_kagamine. It's a cute story with interesting events. It's absolutely lovable!Thanks in advance♡

The banging is getting louder. I'm so scared. I think this is how it ends...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm shouting at me to get up and get ready for my day. I got up, ate breakfast, took a shower, and got dressed. ''Another boring day'' I muttered to myself as I was getting my car keys. I took my car and drove to my work place. The day passed slowly and exhaustingly so I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind. It was around 7 pm when I bought my Starbucks drink and was heading to my car when I heard this weird shuffling sound behind me..

I turned around to find a tall black man-like figure with a wooden hammer in its hand. My legs started running without thinking and I could hear the figure's footsteps running after me. I can see my car in the distance but before I could reach it, I blacked out.

My body jerked upwards at the sound of my alarm. There was a strong pounding inside my head that I felt my head was about to explode. It took me couple minutes to recover from this sick morning feeling. Then it hit me..that night when I blacked out. I started panicking thinking I was kidnapped but I got a clear vision of my surroundings, I was confused. I was in my room. How is that even possible? Maybe it was just a bad dream. I went about my day, doing the usual stuff. I got my car keys and was heading out but the door won't unlock. I tried using the keys, but with no effect. I started to panic that I even used chairs to break the door, but it wouldn't budge! It's like the door was made of titanium! I frantically started banging on the door shouting for help, but no one heard me. I tried using my cell phone but there was no signal. ''HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!'' I shouted out of frustration after all these failed attempts to get help. Something fishy was going on but I can't find a logical explanation for the situation I'm in.

The day was already going crazy from the start so I decided to watch TV to calm myself down. I tried turning it on but it gave me the no signal sign. What is going on??Is it the apocalypse and I don't know?? That set me off on fire. I tried jumping from a window but all windows were blocked with iron bars. I freaked out. I was unable to explain whatever is happening to me. I remembered that terrifying ''dream'' I had. Maybe it wasn't a dream. Maybe I am kidnapped for real. Why would they put me back in my house if they abducted me? Maybe it's a replica of my house, but there was no rational reason why anyone would do that. Crazy thoughts rushed through my head messing everything up more than it already is.
guysss i have new book im workin on! hope ya check it out! its called sentiments. thank you!

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