twenty eight: reunite*

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Sweat beaded at my hairline, and I quickly swiped it away before exhaling a nervous breath. I could feel my hands shaking, and I bit my lip to stop myself from just rubbing out of the place altogether.

"Calm down, baby," Zayn leaned over the short barricade and whispered to me, with his hand making a reach for my own as I panicked.

We were sitting in the courtroom after Niall and Blondie made their closing arguments, waiting for the jury to deliver the verdict. It was 9:45 in the morning, and the jury has been deliberating since the morning started.

Niall, who was sat next to me, picked up his glass of water and took a sip. How he managed to always be so calm in the most tense of situations was amazing.

Slowly, the jurors filed in, and I could feel my heart rate spike. I snuck a glance at Justice, and instead of the smirk on his face that I usually saw, he had his mouth set in a fine line.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge asked.

"Your honor?" Blondie called out, standing up from her seat. "Mr. Greer would like to apologize."

"Apologize?" The judge, Kayla, Niall, and I echoed simultaneously, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yes, your honor. If he may—"

"Absolutely not. Not in my courtroom," the judge spat, shaking her head. "This entire trial, Mr. Greer has not shown a shred of remorse for his actions. Although I am not commending Mr. Tomlinson for being a decent human being, at least he had the compassion to try and not make the plaintiff's life even more difficult. So permission denied."

My eyes widened, and I actually couldn't believe what was happening.

"A verdict, jury?" Judge Adams repeated, and she looked eager for an answer.

"On the case of Cashmere Rawlings vs. Justice Greer and North Atlantic University, we rule in favor of the plaintiff, and the defendant must award monies for emotional damages in the grand total of five million dollars."

"Holy fuck, you're fucking rich!" I heard Kayla shout from the pews behind me, and the courtroom laughed before the judge asked for silence.

"In addition, I will be referring this case to criminal court, where Mr. Greer will go through the trial process, starting with a grand jury. An internal investigation will be launched in North Atlantic University, to discover all the cover ups and scandals this school tried to suppress. All I can say is... wow," Judge Adams said, a look of pure disgust on her face. "All in the name of college sports. Court is adjourned."

Niall leaned over and gave me a hug, but I didn't really reciprocate because I was in shock. The men who made my past year miserable were finally having the tables turn on them.

"Cashmere." I swiveled my head around to see Zayn, with Liam and Kayla standing behind him.

I didn't say anything, I just rushed forward and threw my arms around his neck to bury my face in his chest. I could feel the tears starting to fall, and I choked out a sob before I felt his hands wrap tightly around me.

"Baby, it's okay," he whispered, stroking my hair. "It's gonna be okay."

That just made me cry even more, but I knew I wasn't sad anymore. I felt an immense wave of relief wash over me, and it was like I could finally breathe again.

"I'm so proud of you," Kayla said, pulling me into a hug once Zayn released me.

I sniffles before reciprocating. "Thank you for supporting me through this. Even though now I'm crying like a little bitch."

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