How Do you know if the love for eachother is real ?

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From the way that i felt it and what i think love is to me is when, your love one give his or hers all the love to u by attention, affection, hugs, kisses, always there when u are down, always from a phone call away to say " hey babe how was your day" or "he princess how u doing?" the things that u do for eachother is whats says and beliving like " wow this guy is really in love with me" he/she doesn't cheat give the attention to as much as he/she can you guys do everything with other wheather its just going to the store for a can of whip cream. He lets ur sister drive ur car when she barely got her permitted and she needs the practise, cares for the family give them food and ask if anyone in that house wants anything from the store or food wise. always respects the parents rules and never disobeyed them for any reason. knows ans tryes to understand what the boy/girl is going and stayes there and bes there for them and never leaves for any reason never has serious conversation over the phone by text cause u know the past is gonna be coming down with tears.

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