Faded ~ Laughing Jack x Reader

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He was tossed back into the box. Left. Forgotten. Forever...

Or what felt like forever. But from what he recalled, forever didn't abruptly end when a gust of air blew in his face.

He heard a scream as he tumbled to the ground. His body not used to the sudden movement. He gazed down at his monochrome hands that propped his weak body up off the dusty ground and wondered how he had gotten so dull.

The screaming in the background stopped and he looked up to gaze at your wildly shaking form on the floor. He found himself getting lost in your appearance.

You weren't black and white like him. The color in your cheeks further separating any comparison. Your (H/C) hair was shiny, full of life, as were your vibrantly pink trembling lips.

Your clothes consisted of faded themes. Your fashion sense completely contradicting your lively features. Or at least that's what he thought.

In those (E/C) eyes, fright was glazed over them, but looking closer he noticed the dullness to them. You were almost as lifeless as him. He almost expected you to turn to Black and white yourself.

You caught his gaze and the fear seemed to slip away. Was it understanding he saw?

Your lips still trembled but you still stuttered out, "H-hello..."

Your voice, it was heart-shattering. The pain was evident as the sound could tell him all the stories in that one word. You were wary, that was obvious. You were scared, he could tell, but the way you approached him, told him you had nothing to lose.

He paused, waiting for you to jerk to your senses and make a run for it, but you didn't. Only shifting a little bit on the floor to sit in a more comfortable position.

"Where is he?" He whispered in a gravely voice, blinking in surprise by the sound of his almost unrecognizable voice.

"Where is who?" You asked curiously but cautiously. Tilting your head the slightest bit as you waited for the being to answer you.

"Where is... Who are you?" He changed his sentence midway after realizing he couldn't even remember his childhood friend's name.

You bit your lip, debating on giving him your real name. Only to internally slap yourself. What could he possibly do with your measly first name? "My name is... (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)." He tested it out, the name rolling off his tongue. It didn't bring any sort of nostalgia so he assumed you were just a random unfortunate person who just happened to let out an insane indescribable being.

"Are... are you okay? What's you're n-name?" You then asked, still very unsure what to do in this situation life did not prepare you for.

He watched you with growing confidence, it made your heart jump in your throat. You were a tiny bit afraid of what he was capable of.

"I'm Jack."

You blinked, you weren't expecting a name like that. Of course, it wasn't very realistic to think his name was something unpronounceable like the demons in the movies. Though you hadn't expected to link up the name with such irony it made you giggle a little.

He narrowed his eyes, offended, "What are you laughing at?" It sounded dangerous, but in reality, he so desperately wanted to laugh with you.

You stopped and gulped, explaining quietly, "So, are you the real Jack in the box?" You bit your lip to keep from laughing. It wasn't that funny, you knew, but with the jumbled nerves in your stomach, you couldn't help but react the way you were doing.

He glanced back at the old, paint scabbing box behind him on the desk. "Yeah? How is that funny?"

Your eyes widened, so he really was that. It had started out as a joke but became a sudden realization. This was not a normal predicament. This person is not human. You knew that, but the loneliness that surrounded you left a desire for a friend. Human or not.

"But aren't Jack in the boxes brightly colored?" You inquired, ignorant to the thought of hurting him.

Despite your curious gaze, he still felt a pang of sadness seep into his chest. He was supposed to be brightly colored, but it had all faded away with his dying happy personality. "I was... But I..."

"Faded away." You and him both say in unison. The words falling out of your mouth easily. You related to him well. Feeling like you were fading as well.

He also noticed and confirmed it as understanding. The vibe around you screamed alone. As did he.

He waited for you to speak. You were also waiting for the same thing. Soon both you decided to speak as your words clashed with each other.



You both stop speaking again and you giggled, "Sorry. You go first."

The corners of his lips twitched but soon he grew serious, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

You paused, thinking for a moment, "No.. not really... I'm a little hesitant I admit, but you've done nothing to make me afraid."

"Where am I?" Was his next question. The room did look unfamiliar but he couldn't think how could have been in a new place. Unless you had moved his box.

"Uh... well you're in my house. My room to be exact. I found your box in the abandoned shed and brought it up here. It looked like it needed a little touch-up." You gestured to the art supplies behind him.

How did I get in a shed? He thought.

He realized he said that out loud as you answered, "The movers must have chucked whatever the other family didn't want in there and left. I haven't lived here very long so it's possible that the other family knew about you."

"How long have you lived here?"

"About two months, maybe three."

He meant to say more, but he couldn't think of any more questions. So, upon noticing this you decided to ask a few questions of your own. "Do you know how long you've been stuck in that box?"

He shook his head, "It felt like forever though."

A look of sympathy appeared, "I can't say I relate to that, but to a certain level I can understand. My father kept me on a tight leash for as long as I can remember. I felt like I was stuck in a box all my life."

For some reason your words made him angry, never did he wish anyone to feel like he did.

"So... uh I guess you have no place to go. Well, you do but I highly doubt you want to go back in the box."

He shook his head vigorously, he would kill if it meant he would stay out of the box.

"You can stay with me if you'd like. I'm not really much of a social person so this would be a great place to hide out in." You smiled warmly, "I wouldn't mind the company."

He found himself pausing before nodding. It brought a smile, a genuine teeth-showing one, to your face.

It made his cheeks flare.

It seemed he wasn't as faded away as he thought.


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