On the balcony

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There I stood, on the balcony, in the moonlight, waiting for him.

- hey, I heard a voice say. Bradley, I thought. I turned to face him.

- I have something to tell you, I said but I couldn't tell if he was happy sad or exited to see me, maybe all of it .

- so you know this girl I've been seeing...

- Anastasia, he answered, I nodded.

- yeah, well, I'm going to propose, tonight. I said and looked at Bradley, for a reaction. Bradley just looked at the moon.

- why? He asked. I turned to look at the moon as well.

- I don't wanna ruin our friendship, I mean, what if we break up and we split the band up. I can't let that happen.

- but what if it's perfect? He asked and then

By: randomest369

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