His Point of View

It's early in the morning when the clock rung. With a half closed eye, I immediately went to the bathroom and prepared for this once in a lifetime of chance. At exactly 8 in the morning I'm already in the church, waiting to see her lovely face, luscious smile and pleasing eyes that makes me fall in love over again.


"Where do we gonna go?" she asked innocently. I just held her hands and rushed to where we supposed to go.

"Carnival!" she excitingly said. We paid for an entrance fee and fell in line to the crowd waiting to enter too.

"Just hold my hand, I don't wanna get lost" she said as she held my hand so I held her tight.

After a long play of almost all of the games offered, we decided trying the ferris wheel.

"Whoaaaahhhhhhh!!!" we both shouted as the ride gets faster and faster. The ferris wheel stopped for a minute and it left her closing her eyes

"I don't wanna look down, I felt dizzy" she said.

"open your eyes, the view is worthwhile. Look! Look at the moon, It's full" I looked at her as she gently open her eyes.

"This is the best scenery ever, with you by my side." she then gave me a peck on my cheeks. I smiled pricelessly.


"So are we already ahmmmm, you know.." I hesitately told her as we reached their house.

She then bite her lips and nod shyly as she said "Yes".

Finally after almost a year I got her "yes". Out of excitement I kissed her forehead. She looked at me and smile that's it , my world collides.


It's been a year after we became official. We were both legal on each other's side since we have been introduced. She's still like a bunch of sugar, so sweet everytime. Surprises and sweetness overloads and of course, fights are there trying to break us but we were strong enough to hold on.


The sea breeze coldly touches us as we watch how beautiful the moon is.

"Love?" she said as she lean her head on my chest.

"Hmmmm??" I replied and hugged her.

"What if, I'm gone. What would you do? She asked.

"Of course, I'm going to find you" I responded.

"What if I'll gonna go far away from you?" She asked again.

"You've been acting so strange lately, what's the matter? I asked.

"Random thoughts. So will you please answer it?" she looked at me waiting for my words.

"No matter what happen, I'll going to wait for you." I kissed her forehead and hugged her tighter.


It's our second anniversary when I decided to brought her to the sea since it's our escape

I held her waist while we walked along the seaside.

"Let's go swimming!!!" she exclaimed.

"But we don't have extra clothes" I told her.

"I don't care" she ran as fast as she could and so did I.

"I got you!" I shouted as I grabbed her waist. She then splashed water on me and I do the same thing too.

"Love?" I looked at her sincerely as I held her hand and kneel down.

"Will you marry me?" I nervously told her and showed the ring I'm holding.

"We were too young!" she blurted out. I laughed upon hearing her answer.

"hahaha, okaaay. Take two. Love? I know that we are too young now but I already imagined you and me having a family in the future. Will you let my dreams come true? Not now but in the right time when we both are ready. Will you?" I asked her again.

She showed me her heart shattering smile and nodded "Yes I do"

I laughed so hard as I put the ring to her finger.

"Tell me that 'Yes I do' of yours when we are already in the church. I'm still proposing, we're not yet in our wedding day" I joked. She then gave me a light punch.

*End of flashbacks

There she is! Walking on the aisle— scrutinized by the people around her as she glamorously smiled in glee.

*click. What a beautiful view it is.

My world stopped when our eyes met. I'm drowning, yes I am. But still, I managed to give it a shot. *click. Perfect!

I took photos of them, as they both change their vows and their "I do's"

She loved me more than I thought she will going to be. And that, I'm beyond lucky to have her yet I cheated on her.

And when I realized that it's her, only her, she's already in someone's loving arm.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest announced. *click. This is the most painful shot I ever had.

*click. I managed to give it another shot as I whispered in the air "That should be me letting you feel all of these" I smiled bitterly as I felt the hot liquid running through my face. I suddenly wipe it all, damn tears.

I know that she's really in love. She looks at him the same way she looked at me when she's still mine. And that was 10 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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