Are We More Than This?? -Pt.3 (Ending) [Eng]

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WARNING : Long ass ride comin' up!


-Eunji Pov-

Gosh..... what if I made a mistake..

"Listen.. call me Jungkook, not Jeon.. not Sir.. get it? Also stop being nervous.. just follow my lead ok?"-He said

"Yes..."-I said while walking to the door with him..

While we're walking.. I could really see that this place is really expensive..

Now I feel insecure with my surrounding..

I mean.. look at these place.. there's lot of rich people's.. even the tiles that I'm walking right now feels so expensive

"Now- gosh.. you look scared.. you shouldn't do that face in front of my parents and brother.."-He said while frowning

"I'm sorry.. I mean.. I never go to this kind of places.. even I think the tiles that we're walking in was more expensive than my salary.."-I said

"Well actually that's kinda true.."-He said calmly

"Kinda?!? What was that supposed to mean!!"-I said while shaking him kinda violently

"Hey.. cut it off.. everyone gonna see us.. you don't want them to look at us suspiciously right?"-He said

"Yeah.. true.. but actually I've been thinking.."-I said

"What's on your mind??"-He ask

"So you know.. you invite me to this family reunion thingy.. and what did I get in return??"-I ask while thinking to the answer

"What do you want?"-He said without hesitation


"I said what did you want? I mean I drag you into my personal life so.. you must want something right? Just tell me.. I'll grant your wish.."-He said easily

"W-what... just like that?? You didn't even suspicious if I gonna request for something expensive or illegal ??"-I said

"It's impossible.. I bet you didn't know that called 'illegal stuff' "-He said proudly

And now.... I feel like arguing with a kid..

"I feel like you were a kid who trapped in a man body, you know??"-I said while act pity

"Hey!! Imma man you know!! A handsome, mature, and hot man.."-He said proudly

"Geez.. whatta pain in the ass..."-I mumbled

"Don't 'geez' me young lady!!"-He said

"Dude.. I'm older than you.. have some respect kid!"-I said

"Even tho I'm your boss, lady.. listen to my word!"-He said with full of pride

"Yeah.. whatever kid.."-I mumble

"Hey.. were here.. remember.. don't panicked.."-He said reassuring me

"Ok.. I'll try my best!!"-I said

"Ok.. here we go.."-He said while knocking the VIP Room

And then.. when I see how luxurious the room is.. I saw.. 2 people with big smile in their face and big hopes in the right side

Then when I see the left side I saw 1 man who look a little bit grumpy, with 3 woman.. 1 person who was smiling.. and 2 person who looked shook as ever

Then I hear a voice

"Oh my... Are you My Baby's Girlfriend"-Said the woman who I think is Jungkook's Mom

BTS Apink OneShot [EDITED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang