The Run_

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Aryanna and I always loved to venture around town. It was after school one day and although we were sophomores in high school, the inner child got the best of us and we somehow ended up playing tag with each other. We've been playing for about 20 minutes and that's when everything started to get out of hand. She ran into the forest by our small town. I went chasing after her but it got really thick really fast.

"Aryanna!" I tried shouting for her because she was getting to deep too fast. I could barely see the town and she was too far ahead of me. I lost her. I continued running and calling her name. Eventually I got lost myself. I walked around a small area for about 20 minutes hoping she would show up and come back. I looked up and noticed that not only was the sun beginning to set, but that there was going to be rain tonight.

I heard a scream that I knew was Aryanna's. I got up and ran straight for her. I don't know what on earth could have caused her to get scared as she's the bravest person I know. I was running through dense foliage and then I tripped on a tree root. As I fell, I could fee how wet the ground was getting. It was then I realized that it started to rain. It was a really light rain but when I got up to continue running after Aryanna, I saw a tall woman.

The woman wasn't a woman though. She looked like she was dressed at a fairy. She had a soft brown skin and chocolate hair. Her wings were the same shade of brown as her hair but her eyes were almost a gold. Her clothes match the trees around us so who knows how long she couldn't been here. She looked at me and we had silent eye contact for about 20 seconds before she finally spoke.

"We have to get you out of this rain. My home isn't too far from the village. Follow me," she said to me. Her voice was soft and gentle. I slowly backed away when she turned around, "Come on, your family must be worried sick. Why would you be in the forest this late, you know how dangerous it could be."

"Who are you and why would I go with a stranger?" I asked her.

"My name is Iris. We have to go, who knows who might be lurking around here that would want to hurt you."

"How do I know you're not going to hurt me?"

"Listen you don't have to trust me but we at least have to go to the village so you can come if you want," and with that she turned around and started walking through the forest. Having no knowledge to which way town I decided to follow her.

We walked for 10 minutes and I saw a clearing. Then she started going to a tree about 20 yards from the tree line.

"This is my home, make sure you don't go into the forest this late," she told me. I decided to leave her alone and hope that she stays safe. I started walking to town hoping I could get the police to help me search for Aryanna. As I got towards the tree line, I noticed this wasn't my town, I must've gone to a different one, except that village was the right word to use for this place. There were trees surrounding this place and it looked as if people settled in a clearing. There weren't too many buildings. I ran right back to the woman.

"Iris!" I yelled hoping she was close enough to hear me. Then I heard her walking up from behind me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Where am I?" I asked hoping she could somehow know how to get me back to town.

"We're back at the villa- wait, you're not from here?" She asked suddenly sounding troubled.

"I'm from the town close by here, Cedarwood."

"Oh my- that is not anything like this place. Do you believe in magic?" Before I could answer her, she looked into the trees. It was dark but when I looked where she was, I saw three glowing red dots. two smaller ones on top and a longer one on the bottom. Without a word, her wings took flight and she flew into the trees and as she returned to the ground, a siren sounded. It wasn't like a usual siren, though. It was quiet and soft but although I could barely hear it, I was filled with adrenaline. She grabbed by arm and pulled me to a tree. I started panicking and pulled away. She was crazy. Her grip was death tight. She ran right into a tree with me and before I knew it, we were in a giant cabin.

I don't know how this was possible. The only explanation was magic, but how could this be possible. I was in a gigantic living room. There was a fireplace and a television. A big one, like at the movie theater. After she fed me the best meal of my life and explain her intense history and gain my trust, she showed me to an extra room.

The room was small but I'm used to small spaces. She went to bed but then someone came into the tree. I couldn't sleep just in case she tried something. I went to check it out and it was another fairy, her wings and hair black as the night sky and her skin was almost glowing; and with her was-

"Aryanna!" I screamed as I yelled and gave her a big hug, "What happened?"

"I had a crazy experience," she said as she pulled away from me as I realized she was soaking wet.

"What happened?"

"First I was being chased by this black thing with blood red eyes and then a talking horse took me to a tower. I was thankful until she TRIED TO EAT ME! Once I somehow outran and lost that crazy horse, I hid inside an abandoned house. Except it wasn't abandoned, I heard someone come up and then they tried to kill me too. They were about to when Swift came and saved me." Her face was scarred with torment and fear.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just, I'm really cold from the rain."

"I'll show you to the bathroom," who I guessed was the 'Swift' who saved her said, showing her upstairs.

After Aryanna showered, we both went to sleep in the room. I had her sleep on the bed while I slept on the floor.

We both woke up to the smell of eggs and pancakes. We went downstairs and saw that Iris was cooking and Swift was already eating, layer back on the couch, her wings spread out and her feet on the coffee table.

After Iris served us, there was a knock on the door. In a cheery mood from our company, Iris skipped over and opened her door. She she screamed in shock and stepped back. Swift dropped everything, breaking a plate in the process, and ran to us, pulling us to the stairs.

"Stay behind me," she said. I looked around her dark wing and saw a woman laughing as Iris was crying. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Iris looked at us a yelled, "RUN SWI-" before the woman draped in darkness shot a burst of energy, scorching everything and burning the house.

Swift turned around and grabbed us both and she leapt out of a window and flew away. I heard the alarm again. I turned my head back and saw a fire burning, and people, not just people, monsters too, all running. They all died as there was a huge explosion of flames. Everything was on fire and black. Swift barely got us out alive. I look up and saw tears running down her face. Then she shot down. Aryanna screamed and I saw giant bird women flying after us.

Just along the ground, Swift spoke, "Get out of here you two. Run for your lives. Don't worry about me, I'll make it." Then she threw us to either side of her, into the trees, and she flew away. Just as we lay there, the bird women flew after her, soaring past us. We stayed there after, just trying to comprehend the past 12 hours. Then we heard the woman's laugh. We both jumped up and ran away, sticking together this time. Then blasts shot past us as she laugh. Coming from different directions, to keep us from knowing where she is, we ran.

Aryanna was running as I pulled her into a cave under a hill. We his behind a rock and then we heard her laugh again. After that, there was some sort of earthquake, we got caved in and we were stuck in a hole. The rocks hell from the roof of the cave. We ran around, trying to avoid them, but failed. Aryanna collapse as a bolder fell and crushed her right arm. I ran to help her but I too collapsed, and felt the weight of the rock crush me left leg. After that everything in the world fell to the gray of stone, crimson blood, and black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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