Intimacy with the self

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The deep connection starts within the self . The best way to connect and be intermit with the self is by adopting a pattern of self love . Being grateful with what we have in the " now" and not seeking to much or expecting a great deal. But knowing that it's ours to have all the time . Knowing that everything is as we wanted it and formed it. What a lot of people don't grasp the powerful laws at work for our benefit. The key is to know how to ask and ask what you think you need not what you want . Ask as if you have received it already . Visualise it , as it's been delivered . The universe or the higher source listens and replies to what we gently plea to and not demand . The on demand request is something we need to swap our time and energy for. I remember many years ago I wanted to teach my students how to perform reverse parking procedures . I needed prompts that allowed them to manoeuvre around an object . Slowly with correct use of braking & observation for tight parking . So and behold my wish was granted . I found a RMS plastic orange pole that allowed my students with visual connections, plus with use of easy controls of brakes . This pole was dropped near my car and a gift. I created the energy via my thoughts and feelings as thought is energy and the subconscious manifested the object required once something has been energised . Which made me a better driving instructor with efficient tools to use. Even thou I didn't ask by saying THANK YOU at the end of my need. I still received my wish. But if I just said , thank you universe for delivering my needs already . This would have been great . And even thou I still felt the miracle of life show up for me . I felt blessed and in bliss.

For every 100 people that try to achieve there goals . Only 10 actually reach their potentual . Life is like that . Procreation is a great example . One million sperm cells and only a small number have the possibilities of reaching the target . Maybe these cells had a different way of asking . It's highly competitive to get to the end of the line . Would we need to complete if we just knew the power of the law of attraction and learn our humble magic way to "ask as if already received " ? The sad news is that it's much more challenging to the outsiders of positive thought creators . Not everyone gets to live or grow up with a silver spoon in their mouths . Some have to relearn the greatness of gratefulness. As this is a trait that is inherent and passed down from one generation to the next. However it's never to late to reconnect with source and create a new habit of gratitude.. it's in our attitude.. Anthony Robins calls the practice of gratitude in his program "The Edge " . "The hr of power" only an excellent Practioner can achieve the continued success . The hour were we practice gratefulness and be in oneness with the source . It's a ritual performed without fail . This can be done in the morning then at Lunch time and before sleeping . The Tibetan monks are rigorous in this Devine practice .

The attitude of gratefulness is much expressed and practiced by guru's and spiritual leaders . There is nothing more blissful then being blessed by our intentions of being intermit with ourselves . Being totally in bliss with ourselves takes much practice .
We must never limit ourselves from the grace and possibilities of gratefulness. That's why it must become a ritual. Even though the ritual  of gratefulness maybe given up due to other life's circumstances. But the strength is gained from our attitude to continue the practices as we know the benefits of the thoughts , feeling and the unbroken practice .

When you start the day . Make notes how your feeling . Saying to yourself . The program that your running . Is it from a gentle sweet place or is it agitated? Is from the heart space or the brain space your connecting from ? Lot of highly spiritual people keep a daily journal.  I am grateful for ......  🙏💡

When we are grateful we are opening our "heart energy" . The direct channel or frequency to the source . This is the space of bliss . When we are grateful we get more to be grateful about. The meaning is more enriched. We are transported to another zone on a spiritual level. The energy or vibration of heart and love is expanded .
Once we practice the joy of gratefulness the feeling is overwhelming . Something special happens . We have just created a Nero-path to serene , colour  & enhanced sounds.
Some psychologists name this as neuro-plasticity. Life becomes more meaningful to us . The brain or ego can not control our body . The heart's vibration  becomes  much more vivid and commends our senses . We raise our vibrations and really begin to live in a space that is called heaven. 🙏

The miracles of life are shown to us. We know that gratefulness is a cure to most illness . Most Practioner live longer and are more intimate , have enriched connection and relationships with others . Then those who vaguely practice and who have short burst of gratitude. There is a simple knowing also that through the gift of gratitude our resents are short lived and life become more harmonious.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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