Chapter One

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San Francisco city of technology and super stars and now it's both myself and my nephew Jack home we are moving here to get away from well some family things especially with little Jack.

"Kenzy" his little voice spoke from the booster seat in the back.

"What's up little man" as we pulled up to the golden gate bridge in my little camaro.

"Are we almost there?" he asked making me look up at him in the rear view mirror and see his tiny tired blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hung in front of them slightly

"Almost Jack but if you stay awake you get to watch us cross the bridge" Kenzy told the little boy who immediately lit up like a firecracker.

"Really?!" he had been this excited when she told him about the huge red bridge

"Yes" Kenzy chuckled as he reached for the window shader on his window and pulled the string causing it to fly up into its holder revealing bright sunlight on his white skin.

"Take it easy kid I don't need a broken window" Kenzy said as she pulled onto the bridge. Jack's only response was a squeal of joy as the red beams keep passing by as Kenzy just sighed with a slight smile on her face as the little boy geeked out over just a bridge.

"I can't believe we get to actually live here!" Jack said as they reached the middle of the bridge and traffic started to build up so Kenzy slowed down until she reached a stop next to a beat up black truck.

"What the hell" Kenzy whispered knowing that this kinda stuff didn't happen in the middle of a huge bridge like this especially when there was people getting out and looking about.

"Um.what's going on Kenzy?" Jack asked as he saw a burly motorcycle man get off of a motorcycle.

"Stay in the car" Kenzy ordered as she unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked nervously with scared eyes causing Kenzy to turn in her seat and look at the little boy with a smile.

"It's gonna be okay I'm just going to step out for minute alright?" Kenzy explained before waiting for the little boys answer.

"Okay" he responded quietly while lowering his head making laugh and reach over to the hat he wore and flicked the flat brim.

"I won't be long" she said before leaving the car and shutting the door behind her before taking the scene before her. Cars lined the roads going into San Francisco and they were building each second with on coming cars.

"What's going on?" she asked the man that had come off the motorcycle who gave her a look before turning back to the line.

"I ain't sure little lady" he responded with a deep thundering voice. Kenzy looked back at her camaro as she thought and through the window saw Jack looking at her so she flashed a smile hoping not to worry him right as a police siren filled the air for a few seconds right as a policeman stood on a vehicle that Kenzy couldn't make out

"Attention people visiting and of San Francisco there is a huge water break down the road" this caused a groan to fill the air across the bridge before the policeman spoke once more.

"There will be some hold up but you will be let past in the meantime stay in and on your vehicles and wait patiently" Kenzy growled in frustration at the stop so much for a first impression for Jack she had thought while opening the car door and got back inside.

"Did you find out another anything?" Jack asked while watching the man get back on his motorcycle.

"A water line broke and their trying to fix it so we have to stay inside until they can let us past" Kenzy explained to Jack as she shut the car door and laid her head on the warm weather steering wheel.

"Oh..." Jack trailed off making the car go silent except for the sounds of cars honking and people shouting over God knows what

"I'm so sorry" Kenzy said breaking the silence

"What for?" Jack asked because his Aunt didn't do anything wrong did she?

"I wanted to make your first day here awesome instead we're stuck here" Kenzy replied making Jack roll his eyes and unbuckle himself from his booster seat and got off before moving toward his Aunt in the small space and placed a small hand on her back feeling the soft white T-shirt beneath his fingers.

"No it's okay Kenzy it ain't your fault" even for a little five year old he was a smart and compassionate boy and he loved his Aunt and would follow her to the ends of the earth.

"I know but still" Kenzy said sadly while sitting up making Jack giggle and hug his Aunt's arm.

"I know you do many things for me Kenzy and that makes me love you all the more but don't be sad over this please?" He said while laying his cheek on the arm he held.

"Whatever you say" Kenzy said before taking him in her arms and lifted him over the console then wrapped him in a tender hug.

"Shush" he ordered causing Kenzy to laugh and sit him on her lap where she leaned and gave him a raspberry on his neck.

"Gross!" He yelled while he started to pull away from her which kinda hard with her strong arms.

"Go get in your car seat dweeb" she said while setting him in the back once more where he clambered into his booster seat and quickly buckled himself up as Kenzy rolled down all the windows so they wouldn't get too hot.

"Kenzy when we get across the bridge can we ice cream?" Jack asked with soft eye's

"Sorry again but we have groceries to get but if your good I'll get you a candy bar sound good?" Kenzy replied.

"Aw man" Jack said while looking out the window in the bright blue sky of the Golden Gate Bridge.

"I know but hey something's better than nothing kid" then she saw a wave of cars move forward making her sigh knowing they were getting situated and it wouldn't be long before they made it through.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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