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Ok so an little Introduction to this stor would be in order and its a bit of a strange story idea but here it goes. Each character has a back story which will help the story flow better wehen i write it. Now trhe backstorys will be written by me and my friend peacgal4156,.. But we will have the back story of the main characters posted here soon so that this story will be easier to understand and you will have a mental image of what each charaters going through. The characters who will have a backsory will be 


A scientist (thats the backstory)

-Kyra Backstory

I grew up in Northern California and didn’t come from a very wealthy family. I did attend school because I wanted to get my masters in computer animation. It took me a while to get there but I managed to make it. My mom super loving towards us, but my dad didn’t really care for me or my twin brother Mathew. If we were lucky, we would see my dad three days a week because was always out getting drunk to try to get rid of his pain being Mathew and I. In middle school was one of the worst years of my life but I met this friend in sixth grade. She was my first official friend, of course besides Mathew who was my brother. Her name was Zoe, or I would call her Shy. She was an amazing friend even though she was a super shy person. But In middle school I was called emo by these preppy girls because of my hair. I had no idea what that meant but I really didn’t care even when I find out that it was mean. It continued for seventh and eighth grade and it got so bad that I did something I’d never thought I’d do. One day I was alone in my house, I took a razor blade and made a mark on my inner wrist. It didn’t really hurt until I realized what I was doing and never did it again. I went to high school which wasn’t that bad, until I saw a girl that I went to school with who called me emo. I knew that it was going to be a living hell but I graduated at the top of my class. My mom was super proud of me and I loved my mom. But after high school Shy moved away and I went to college and got my master in computer animation. While I was there I picked up on a few cool video games like Minecraft which I loved to play. This gave me an idea to record for this website called YouTube that was just first starting up. It was fun just to record them and I’d watch other people. There was this one guy, who was very cute. His name was BajanCanadian on YouTube but his real name was Mitch. He was super cool. I eventually found Shy again. She had moved to Colorado, and so we moved in together. We recorded and did a lot together. She was an amazing friend and she helped me a lot through my rough times. She was like the sister never had. One day I was walking around downtown Denver and bumped into a guy dropping my purse. We talked for a while and I found out he was a year older than me. I was going to ask his name, but he left because he had to do something. Later that month, me and Shy got into a big fight and she moved out. I was heartbroken, but yet happy that she was gone. I was already going through a bad time with my family. My mom died in a car accident because my dad was drunk trying to get her to stop the car for an unknown reason. I had no clue where Mathew was these days; Shy was the one thing close to family.  So I was basically alone. I had my internet friends, but they were nothing close to Shy.  A few months later after all this I moved into my own apartment in Downtown Denver, Colorado. I completely changed my wardrobe, but I kept my beautiful scene hair and my amazing music because it was me. It gave off my personality. A few days after moving in while I was Starbucks I ran into the guy I had bumped into a while back. He told me his name was Nick and he was a really nice guy. We became really good friends and would always ask about my family and how I got here, but I didn’t want him to know those details because I hated my past life. He one day introduced me to this guy, whose voice I’ve heard before .I felt like I’ve heard that name before. Than it donned on me; he was Mitch the BajanCanadian. I loved how he looked in the live streamed.  Nick introduced me to another of his friend his name was J and he kinda picked on me. They were all so cool and it felt different to have other real friends besides Shy.

-j(a old freind)

and anymore peoplei decide to add in :)


p.s. I am a guy but i watch a little to much anime so yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but more introuduction to come

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