Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(Nick’s POV)

“I woke up in the morning today ready to work on my experiments. You see I am a private scientist that has been studying a way to create Pokemorphs that are able to look human while being able to utilize their new Pokémon ability’s. The only problem is that I have to test them on myself which has put me in a debate because I have a few specimens of DNA modifying vial each of which contain a different Pokémon. But that’s fine I had a plan so I could get the entire specimen tested on time.” I recorded this into the tape recorder to keep my voice log updated. I walk to the kitchen in my Apartment where I see my beautiful blue Gardevoir (a.k.a Scarlett) who greets me with the smell of fresh bacon in the morning. I walk over to her and give her a little peck on the cheek and I see here white skin get a little flushed and I can’t help but let out a chuckle. I say to her “Hey, Scarlett we are going to go out with some of my friends today so make sure you are all cleaned up and also make sure that Gracie(Scarlett twin sister) and Blazikien are ready to go to you know how they are. She smiles back and nodes her head and offers me a strip of some crispy bacon which I gladly accept I then head over to the phone to go and call up some friend.

(J’s POV)

I hear the phone ringing while I’m in my bedroom playing video games so I go pick up the phone and answer,

J: Hello this is J

Nick: Hey J, are you up to hanging out in a bit today

J: Yah sure why what’s up

Nick: nothing I just want to hang out also hey remember to invite Mitch so that I can get Kyra to come with us ok

J: Ok well where do you want to meet up

Nick: We can meet up at the park around 12:00pm is that ok

J: Ok


“uggg” I say as I head to call Mitch really quickly. “Why can’t he ever freaking call him shit always me and doesn’t he have to work today” I hit the green call button and the phone rings…..

(Kyra POV)

It was about 10 am, and I hear the phone ring. I just left it keep ringing because I was super tired. It rang like fifteen times. I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally get up out of my really comfy bed and answer the phone. It was Nick.

Kyra: “Hello.” I say still groggy.

Nick: “Hey Kyra, would you like to hang out today?”  He asks me.

Kyra: “Not really, I’m really tired.” I say yawning.

Nick: “You’re always tired. Come on please. Mitch will be there…” 

 Kyra: “That’s because I’m up all night talking with the guys. If Mitch is going to be there I guess I’ll come. Where and what time are we meeting?”  I say still really sleepy.

Nick: “We are meeting at Pokeridge Park at noon.”

Kyra: “Ok I’ll be there.


See ya then!” I saw hanging up the phone and heading to the shower. I had a strange feeling about this. Of course I did, I mean I was going to see Nick. After the relaxing shower I go to my desk and start to edit and render videos from last night’s recording. It’s about twenty minutes ‘til twelve when I realize I haven’t even eaten anything. I grab my Kavu(A little purse), my phone, and car keys and head into the kitchen. I grab an apple and water. Then head outside to get into my car and drive to the park. I happen to look at the clock in my car and notice that it says 11:55 am. Oh crap, I might be late.

(Nick POV)

 I drive up to the park and park my car and me and my Pokémon get out of the car and head over to the gates of the park because that where we are supposed to meet up. I look at my watch and it reads 12:00pm and of course there late again like always. I look over to Scarlett and smile at here and since she’s a psychic/fairy she understands my feeling. She tells me “Don’t get all worked up there only a few minutes late “right after she says that I see j pull up with Mitch in the care. I walk over to the car and he rolls down the window, “Hey, took you long enough any word from Kyra? He replies to me “No but knowing her she’s probably almost here”. Not a second to soon she arrives and I look at my watch and it is already 12:15pm She jumps out of her car and looks as if she is out of breath . I ask why she’s so tired and she says” Well I had to rush my ass over here because it’s so far from my apartment, shit next time why don’t we meet at the pizza parlor down the street from my house. Mitch why has his window rolled down says “Well knowing you Kyra, I would say that even if we meet there you would still be late.” Kyra blushes at his remark and looks away shyly. They then all ask in unison “Where are we going”? Of course I reply with well we are heading somewhere out of town and with my gardevoirs teleport. Right before they are all about to protest I give Gracie and Scarlett the signal and we teleport. Of course I land on my feet but Kyra, J, and Mitch land on their faces. The all get up and J jabs me in the arm and says “next time tell us before we get there that we are going out of state” I reply with a little smile and tell them that we are in Las Vegas. We head out to go to the casino and try our luck at some poker, Blackjack, exc.

Later, during the night…….

(Nick POV)

So as we leave the casino to head out to eat we go down a dark alleyway. Everything was fine until we saw a guy and a Charizard come out of the shadows. The guy pulls out a knife and runs up and stabs j right in his left kidney. While that happens Kyra is swiped away by the Charizard and Mitch is then hit with a huge boulder thrown at him by the Charizard. I then in order to protect them have Gracie go and see if any of them need medical treatment since she was skilled in healing and I have Scarlett and Blazikien go after the guy with the knife and the charizard. Scarlett then uses psychic and restrains both of them while Blazikien uses blaze kick knocking them out while I go and check on Kyra, J, and Mitch. Gracie say that they need medical attention but I say this will not be necessary and she looks at me then nodes. I then tell them both to teleport us all to my lab and within a second we are there. I then grab the vials of DNA and call my assistant Gyver to grab a vile and inject it into him. I then grab a few vials myself and get to work.

Well this is chapter 1 sorry for the cliff hanger but I will resolve it in chapter 2 also sorry if it seems rushed I got a little bit distracted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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