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Still Tae's POV

"Will it be okay with you?" I continued
"It's okay oppa, I think even I need a companion" she said with a weak smile.
She covered her pain with a smile on her face but I could feel it.
Isha didn't go to her bedroom and thereby sat on the sofa. She refused to have dinner and said that she wanted to be alone for sometime.
I went to the balcony for time being. Suddenly my phone vibrates. It's a text message.

•Taehyung, is Isha with you ?•
•Yes, but she neither wants to talk to you nor meet you. How in the hell could you kiss Alexia?•
•It was just an accidential cause. She forcefully kissed me when I was about to return•
•Is that the matter? I'll try to speak about it to her. Takecare Jiminie•

Then he didn't reply my texts.

I wanted to speak about the misunderstanding but before I could say a word she had fallen asleep on the sofa with her head on top of her folded hands.
I went nearby and just glared at her. A drop of tear was on the way of falling from her eye that I instantly wiped off with my finger and carried Isha to the way of her bedroom. I covered her with the blanket and gently kissed her forehead saying, "you're just abounded by a small misunderstanding which will be healed soon my angel"
Then I came downstairs and slept in the living room.

*in the morning*

Isha's POV

I woke up and saw myself on the bed at my bedroom. I was sure of the fact that oppa brought me up. I quickly freshened up and went downstairs and saw him sleeping. I prepared some breakfast. I went in to wake up Tae "Oppa, it's late you must wake up now"
"Uh~ okay" he woke up rubbing his eyes.
Then he went to the washroom and arrived to the dining hall.
We were having breakfast together while Tae asked "gwenchanyo?"
"I'm feeling better" I replied.
"Listen to me" Tae said
"Jimin didn't kiss that girl but she forcefully kissed him when he was turning back. You just mistook him, you should go and speak to him" Tae continued
"How can you be sure of it?" I asked him
"Cause yesterday Jimin texted me. He was really worried that you just vanished from there and then realized that you must have seen him with Alexia and went away." He answered.

*When I was in the washroom in the morning I had decided not to go to the university*

But now I left with Tae on the way to the university.

*at the university*

"I'm sorry Jimin. Yesterday I left without informing you." I said him
"No worries" he hugged me
"Let's go to the garden" he whispered in my ears.
Nivi , Tae and Kookie nodded as the sign of letting us go.
I hugged everyone and left with Jimin.

*at the garden*

We were sitted on a bench near the water fountain and Jimin started "You must be pissed at me? But before I could explain or speak about it to you, I didn't find you"
"I know oppa! Tae said me everything about it" I replied
"I would like to say you something else too" he said
"My father owe Alexia's dad as he proved my father's innocence. My dad was sent to jail for the crime he committed to save his business from a huge loss. As Alexia's dad is a lawyer and a good friend of my dad , he helped us. So Alexia is trying to marry me or make me hers reminding me of this" He continued.
"And that kiss which you saw was not at all done intensionally but she did it by force while I was not even aware of it and just threw her immediately." He further continued.
"I'm so sorrry for this unexpected misunderstanding oppa. But at that moment that kiss just broke me into thousand pieces and I couldn't help myself from being mad at you" I replied hugging him.
"I hope that you'll never misunderstand me from now on" he said hugging me back.
"Yes, By the way I'm really excited for our wedding. How are you feeling about it oppa?" I smiled holding his hands.

[I'm really sorry for not publishing my story on time. It's all because of my exams and I'm so happy that it's over and I'll stay updated from now onwards💌]

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