I missed you

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Quick A/N: IwriteaboutSOAD and I wrote this together!! She's so cool I love her!! Go read her stories!!! Ok bye!

Daron was sitting at the train station. He had been there for about an hour, waiting for Serj. He didn't want to miss his boyfriend's arrival. So he sat there, focusing on the clock.
Minutes were passing slowly, so slowly that Serj couldn't stand them anymore. His heart was already fast, but got faster when he heard the familiar, robotic voice saying the name of his city.
It's been the longest week of his life. Him and his boyfriend fortunately talked by phone, but obviously it wasn't enough.
He was standing up in front of the train door then, his hand gripping the bag so tightly while he tried to see his man. But that wasn't really necessary, because his feet touched the station's floor a bit later.
Daron got up and stood near the train tracks, but not too close, since he was afraid of falling. The thought seemed childish to him and it quickly got replaced by hundreds of thoughts about Serj- the person he missed so much. He looked around until he saw the familiar face he was so used to seeing every morning when waking up, and every night when going to sleep. A smile quickly crept onto his face and Daron ran to hug his boyfriend. He was so happy to have him back.
"Serj!!! I missed you so so so so much!!!"
The taller suddenly felt his boyfriend hugging him, his body wasn't really prepared for that as he almost fell down. But his arms wrapped around him without hesitation, as they were made to hold him. His face lighten up and his head bent on Daron, placing a soft kiss on his head.
"Babe, baby.. I'm here now..." He said a little shakily.
The smaller man squeezed his boyfriend tightly and nuzzled into his chest. "I love you," Daron said quietly, so nobody else besides them could hear it. His arms were clinging onto Serj as if his life depended on it.
"I love you too, so, so much." He whispered to him and cuddled his back, Serj felt like he was melting in Daron's arms.
The guitarist placed a quick and soft kiss on Serj's lips, and he immediately felt better. He knew that his boyfriend was here with him, and that he wouldn't go away.
"Let's go home, Serj, I've been here for way too long."
"You don't know how long I wanted to hear those words, dear.." He sighed and held his hand tightly, taking some little steps still very close to his lover.

When they finally got home, Daron attacked Serj with small, sweet kisses. But then they turned into one, long, passionate kiss. The smaller man's arms wrapped around the taller, not wanting to let go.
Serj didn't say a word and focused on kissing him, and he didn't really want to do anything else. He leaned on the wall and let the other do whatever he wanted, so happy to see him again, to hear him and to feel him.
And that long kiss just made him happier, as he gently held Daron's face up to respond.
After a little while, Daron pulled away and smiled softly. He was glad that Serj was here, so they could kiss and hug and talk, or just enjoy each others company.
"I missed.. Everything about this." The taller smiled and adjusted Daron's hair, giving him so much attention by such small actions.
"The first night I didn't even sleep." He shook his head, as he was criticizing himself for being too sensitive.
"Me neither... it was so cold without you," Daron whispered, "it was so lonely... you weren't there to touch me."
"Yes, same thing for me,," He followed his tone and leaned his forehead on his boyfriend's.
"..I couldn't sleep well without my man." He smirked as he tried to be a little funny, but it was evident that his words were sadly true.
"How about we go to sleep, then? We can hold each other..." Daron suggested and gave Serj yet another kiss.
"Okay.." The taller purred and quickly brought him to the bedroom, it was all so safe and sound there. The smell of the house, the quiet, and finally their bed.
Daron removed his shirt and his pants, and quickly hid beneath the blanket, curling up and smiling, because he knew that soon Serj will be next to him, and that he'll feel his warmth and his touch.
He watched him with big eyes, he hadn't seen him in boxers for a whole week, his body looked so stunningly beautiful.
He too took off his clothes and fastly lied in front of him, coming back to hold his waist.
Daron smiled softly and hugged Serj tightly, placing little kisses wherever he could before nuzzling into his boyfriend's neck.
"You're the most important person in my whole life, Daron." The taller man murmured and gave him a small kiss on his shoulder, his eyes closed.
"You're the most important person in MY life," Daron replied quietly and caressed Serj's back. He was gentle and soft with his movements.
Serj's breath became deeper and deeper, his arms heavier around his boy as they were locking them together into sleep.

Finally, they could be calm in each other's arms, knowing that they were loved and protected by each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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